Andean Abyss

Colombia in the 1990s hosted one of the world's last Marxist guerrilla armies, brutal drug lords, and right-wing death squads and appeared close to failing as a state. A decade later, its Marxists had lost their top leaders and rural sanctuary, its big drug bosses were dead or in prison, and its paramilitaries were negotiating demobilization. The Government had extended its writ to most of the countryside, restored its popularity, and improved the economy and respect for human rights.

Andean Abyss is a multi-player game depicting insurgent and counterinsurgent conflict in Colombia during the 1990s and early 2000s. Each player takes the role of a faction seeking to run Colombian affairs: the Government or one of three insurgent factions — the Marxist FARC, the right-wing AUC paramilitaries, or the narco-trafficking Cartels.

Designer: Volko Ruhnke.
Copyright © 2012 GMT Games, LLC.
Cover art by Rodger B. MacGowan © 2012.
Programming © 2023 by Tor Andersson.

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