Rally the Troops!
Here you can play board games online with other players. You can invite your friends, compete in tournaments, or look in the public room to see whether someone wants to play. Your opponents don't have to be online, but if they are you can play live.
Registration and use is free, and there are no ads.
Join the Discord chat!
- Read the Tips & Tricks before playing!
- Read the tournament information before joining a tournament.
- Study the developer documentation if you want to create modules.
The source code is available on git.rally-the-troops.com.
This website is operated by Tor Andersson, Västra Stationstorget 12, 22237 Lund, Sweden.
E-mail: support@rally-the-troops.com
Privacy policy
When you create an account we collect the following personal information:
- E-mail addresses in order to send password reset emails and notifications.
- IP addresses to prevent malicious behavior.
- Your messages and forum posts.
- Your game activity.
Your personal data will be removed if you delete your account.
All games are used with consent from their respective rights holders.
Icons are sourced from game-icons.net by Delapouite, Lorc, and others under the CC BY 3.0 license.
Other images and graphics are sourced from Wikimedia Commons.