NevskyYou are not logged in!Scenario:Pleskau (Quickstart)PleskauWatlandReturn of the PrinceReturn of the Prince (Nicolle)PeipusCrusade on Novgorod Pleskau - 1240 Frontier bishop Hermann von Buxhövden spurs a Latin lunge at the "schismatics" of Novgorod. Pleskau - 1240 (Quickstart) Frontier bishop Hermann von Buxhövden spurs a Latin lunge at the "schismatics" of Novgorod. NOTE: This is a quickstart setup for first time players who want to skip the first Levy and Planning. Watland - 1240 Following Hermann's success at Pskov, the Teutons agree on a plan to conquer another people under Novgorod's sway—the still mostly pagan Vodians. Return of the Prince - 1241 to 1242 With the Teutons settling into Rus and their raids almost reaching the great city, Novgorodans and the Grand Prince at last see eye-to-eye on a response. Return of the Prince - Nicolle Variant In contrast to the Novgorod Chronicle, David Nicolle in Lake Peipus 1242 (Osprey) dates the Teutonic assault on Pskov to 1241 rather than 1240, with the Teutons pressing south of Lake Chud while Aleksandr counterattacks in the north. Peipus - 1242 Rather than pressing the Danes westward from his reconquest of Koporye, Aleksandr bolsters his army to liberate Pskov and wreak revenge on Dorpat. Crusade on Novgorod - 1240 to 1242 With Aleksandr's repulse of the Swedes, the Veche feels safe to dismiss its Prince and let Novgorod see to its own defense. But over the lakes, reconciled Teutonic knights and Danes now eye Rus as a prize. Hidden Mats Login or sign up to play.