Summary of Changes


1. Introduction


General Course of Play




Game Board and Map


Influence ................................................................................5

Lords and Vassals ..................................................................5

Force ......................................................................................7



Other Markers




2. Setup and Calendar ...........................................................9

Setup ......................................................................................9



3. Levy ...................................................................................10

Arts of War ..........................................................................10

Pay .......................................................................................10

Exiles and Vassals




4. Campaign.


Plan ......................................................................................13

Command ............................................................................13







Other Commands


Feed .....................................................................................17

End Campaign .....................................................................17

5. Victory


Campaign Victory


Threshold Victory ................................................................18

Scenario End Victory


6. Scenarios ...........................................................................19

Respite and War


Heirs and Succession


The Wars


Key Terms Index ..................................................................31

Action Requirements Summary .........................................32


Rules of Play

© 2023 GMT Games LLC

P.O. Box 1308, Hanford, CA 93232

Levy & Campaign Series - Volume IV

© 2023 GMT Games, LLC

Plantagenet Rules


Locales: Stronghold types City, Town, Fortress, London,

Calais, and Harlech have no size and add to victory via

Tides of War (1.3.1, 4.8.1). Exile Boxes hold Lords in

Exile (1.3.1, 3.3.1).

Seats: Lords’ Seats use markers, removed upon Death.

Vassals have Seats printed on the map (1.3.1, 3.4.2-.3,


Locale Markers: Favour markers show allegiance. De-

pleted/Exhausted replace Ravaged (1.3.1).

Ways: Types are Highway, Road, and Path (1.3.1).

Turns: Each Turn is 60 or 90 days, named by months not

Seasons (1.3.2, 2.2.1).

Influence: Sides accumulate Influence points that deter-

mine victory and spend them to check success at various

tasks (1.4, 3.2, 4.8.1, 5.0).

Lords: Lord cards, not mats, show characteristics (1.5),

including Valour and whether an Heir (4.4, 6.2). Lieuten-

ants are like Marshals (1.5.1, 4.3.1).

Vassals: Either side may Levy them by Favour of their

Seat (1.5.4, 3.4.3). They require Pay and help Tax (3.2,

4.6.3). Special Vassals Muster by card and merely pro-

vide Forces for Battle (1.5.4, 1.9.1).

Forces and Assets: Retinue and Vassal counters add to

wood Troop pieces, with new types (1.6, Forces table).

Assets are Carts, Ships, Provender, Coin (1.7). Troop

pieces and Ship counters limit play.

Waste: It periodically halves Transport and Provender

and resets to starting Coin and Troops (4.8.5).

Arts of War: There is no voluntary discard (3.1.4). Ca-

pabilities always attach to a single Lord (3.4.6).

Pay, Pillage, Disband: Pay Troops Coin and Lords Influ-

ence each Turn or face Pillage or Disband (3.2). Pay Vas-

sals Influence and Ready them for Muster per markers on

the Calendar (3.3).

Parley: Lords during Muster and Campaign can attempt

to shift Locales’ Favour (3.4.1, 4.6.4).

Muster: Levy of Lords and Vassals requires a check

against an acting Lord’s Influence (3.4.2-.3). Seats work

differently. Levy Troops per Stronghold (3.4.4). One

Levy action obtains two Carts (3.4.5).

Call to Arms: There is none.

March: Ways affect March speed (4.3.3). Lords are nev-

er Laden. Enemy Lords can Intercept Marching Lords

(4.3.4). Approach ends a Command card; Lords Avoid

Battle only by going into Exile (4.3.5).

Bypass: There is none.

Battle Rounds: Lords may Flee individually rather than

Concede the Field. Opposing Lords group into Engage-

ments, with Attacking and Defending Missiles, then Me-

lee Striking simultaneously. Lords Rout if their Retinue

counter or all their wood Troops do (4.4.2).

Protection: There is no Evade (4.4.2).

Ending the Battle: Winners receive Influence. There is

no Retreat: Routed Lords either Die or Disband (4.4.3).

Death: Lords Routed in Battle check for permanent re-

moval (4.4.3).

Siege and Storm: There are none; Strongholds change

hands via Parley, Muster, Pillage (3.4.1, 3.4.2, 3.2, 4.6.4).

Supply: Use just one Source. Transport need is different.

Strongholds yield Provender by type (4.5).

Forage: Locale Favour and adjacent Enemies affect suc-

cess (4.6.2).

Ravage: There is none, but Pillage, Troop Levy, Supply,

Forage, and Tax can Deplete or Exhaust Locales (1.3.1,

3.2, 3.4.4, 4.5, 4.6.2-.3).

Sail: Sea boundaries limit Sail. Ship requirements are

different (4.6.1).

Tax: Uses only a single action. Lords can Tax their own

and their Vassals’ Seats and Special Strongholds from a

distance (4.6.3).

Feed: Lords who fail to Feed Pillage (4.7).

End Campaign: Steps add Tides of War for Influence

and Disembark (4.8.1-.2). Grow and Waste are different


Victory: Threshold and Scenario End Victory are by In-

fluence points (4.8.3, 5.2-.3). Check Campaign victory

near the end of each Campaign.

Summary of Changes from Earlier Volumes

© 2023 GMT Games, LLC

Plantagenet Rules


1.0 Introduction

Plantagenet is a board wargame about the Wars of the Roses. It

covers the main periods of military conflict between the Planta-

genet dynasty’s royal houses of Lancaster and York.

Plantagenet is the fourth volume in GMT Games’ Levy & Cam-

paign Series that portrays medieval military operations. Players

will gather and equip their armies and then send them to gain

support and defeat enemy forces in battle. Alliances will provide

lords and vassals to serve for limited periods, sustained in the field

by supply, pay, and influence.

Plantagenet offers several short scenarios, a main scenario for

each of three historical crescendos of fighting, and a grand “Wars

of the Roses” scenario linking them. An advanced rule adds op-

tional screens that can hide armies’ strength for greater fog of war.

Plantagenet has no solitaire system but is solitaire friendly with

its standard rules.

The final pages of this rulebook provide the scenarios, a key terms

index, and an action requirements summary. A folding play aid

summarizes key aspects of the game, and a separate aid sheet

guides play of the Wars of the Roses grand scenario. A back-

ground booklet contains a “quickstart” setup and examples of

play for learning the game system, strategy notes, card lists and

implementation tips, plus historical and other reference material.

The page opposite lists rules changes from earlier Levy & Cam-

paign Series games. In addition, this icon precedes such

rules in this booklet that differ from Volume I, Nevsky.

1.1 General Course of Play

In Plantagenet, players take one of two enemy sides, Yorkist

(white) or Lancastrian (red, also representing the Tudors). By

scenario, one side controls the King, the other side the Rebels

(affecting player order, 2.2.4). The side ending with the most in-

fluence wins.

In turns covering from 60 to 90 days each, Yorkist and Lancas-

trian players will levy lords and vassal forces, gather transport,

and recruit specialists. Lords will start in their historical holdings,

then roam England to gather support. They might go into exile to

gather forces for a return to England.

Each lord’s forces and assets are laid out on a mat. Players plan

and command campaigns with their lords. Cylinders on the map

show the lords’ movements, while markers on a calendar show

which lords may join and how long vassals will serve.

1.2 Components

A complete game of Plantagenet includes:

• A mounted game board (1.3).

• Twelve Lord mats (1.5.3).

• One Battle mat (4.4.1).

128 Troop unit bars (35 steel [Men-at-Arms], 40 green

[Longbowmen], 45 brown [Militia (billmen)], 6 black [Merce-

naries], 2 burgundy [Handgunners]; 1.6).

• Twenty-four Lord cylinders (12 white, 12 red)

• A Lords sticker sheet (apply to cylinders).

• Two sheets of markers and counters (1.3-1.8)

• Six decks of playing cards ( 14 Yorkist and 14 Lancastrian

Lord cards, 1.5.1; 37 Arts of War cards for each side, 1.9.1; and

40 Yorkist and 37 Lancastrian Command cards, 1.9.2).

• Two player aid foldouts (summarizing Sequence of Play, Com-

mands, Forces and Strongholds, Battle, and other key rules).

A Wars of the Roses scenario aid sheet (6.0-6.3).

• Two screens (1.5.3).

• Six 6-sided dice (three white, three red).

• A background booklet (not needed for play).

• This rules booklet.

1.3 Game Board and Map

1.3.1 Map. The game board shows a map of England and envi-

rons, circa 1459. It depicts Locales, Ways, a Calendar along the

top, Exile boxes, and numerical track along the board edge.

© 2023 GMT Games, LLC

Plantagenet Rules


LOCALES: Locales are the spaces on the map that hold Lord

cylinders and game markers. Locales include various types of

Strongholds as well as four Exile boxes outside of England.

See the Strongholds table on the player aid foldout.

Strongholds: City, Town, and Fortress Locales are Strongholds.

They can hold Seats as marked or printed. They can enable

Muster of Troops and provide Provender and Coin (3.4.4, 4.5,

4.6.2, 4.6.3). Having the most Favour of each type of Strong-

hold yields Influence (4.8.1).

Special Strongholds: London, Calais, and Harlech are unique

Strongholds that provide Troops, Assets, and Influence differ-

ently (3.4.4, 4.5, 4.6.3, 4.8.1).

Exile Boxes: Ireland, Scotland, Burgundy, and France are Lo-

cales that hold Lords who Muster in Exile (below and 3.3.1).

They are not Strongholds.

NOTE: Calais is not in France.

EXILE BOXES: Lords on the Calendar marked as Exiles Muster

to an Exile box during Levy (3.3.1). Exiles boxes

are Locales that differ from Strongholds as follows.

• Lords may only occupy Exile boxes that circular scenario setup

markers (6.0) show as permanently Friendly to their side. Parley

cannot affect them (3.4.1).

• A Lord in an Exile box who has to Pillage (3.2.1, 4.7) instead

Disbands Unpaid or Unfed (3.2.1).

• Lords can move out of but not into Exile boxes, as shown by ar-

rows at each box. (They enter the boxes by Exile Muster, 3.3.1,

or card effects.) They can Sail (4.6.1) from an Exile box as if

from a Port on the Sea that the arrow shows (for Scotland, the

North Sea). They can March (4.3) from Scotland (only) as if

along a (one-way) Path to Carlisle or Bamburg, which are adja-

cent to Scotland.

ON THE MAP: The phrase “on the map” refers to Lords at Lo-

cales—Strongholds and Exile Boxes (not on the Calendar).

SEATS: Strongholds can host Lord or Vassal Seats.

Lord Seat: Setup uses Seat markers to assign each Lord a

Stronghold Seat (6.0). Seats aid

Muster of a side’s Lords (3.4.2)

and Taxing for Coin (4.6.3). Death

or Shipwreck removes a Lord’s

Seat from the map (4.4.3, 4.8.2).

Vassal Seat: Each Vassal (1.5.4) has a Seat shown by that Vas-

sal’s Coat of Arms printed on the map. A side can Levy a Vas-

sal or Tax with one only if the Vassal’s Seat is Friendly (3.4.3,


FAVOUR: Strongholds are Neutral unless marked as Friendly

to one side with a Favour marker in that

side’s color (red rose for Lancastrian, white

rose for Yorkist). A Locale Friendly to one

side is Enemy to the other. Parley, Lord Mus-

ter, and Events can place or remove Favour (3.4.1, 3.4.2, 3.1.3).

Numerous actions, such as Muster, Supply, and Tax, require

Friendly Locales (3.4.2-4, 4.5, 4.6.3). Favour also affects how

much Influence sides will gain each turn, with bonuses for control

of key Areas (4.8.1). NOTE: The Event card London For York

(1.9.1) can add a second Favour marker at London, the sole

meaning of which is to block change in Favour there except by

Event or Pillage.

Net Stronghold Favour: On the gameboard’s edge track, adjust

separate markers for the sides’ net total Friendly Cities, Towns,

and Fortresses, respectively. NOTE: These totals award Influ-

ence points at the end of each Campaign (4.8.1).

EXAMPLE: Yorkists have Favour at three Cities, while Lancas-

trians have Favour at five Cities; put the Cities marker on its red

side in track box 2.

DESIGN NOTE: Favour shows the leaning of local nobles

rather than absolute control. Such local sympathies aided the

gathering of resources but could change rapidly in the face of

political pressure.

DEPLETED/EXHAUSTED: Troop Levy and Supply, Forage,

and Tax actions can mark Locales (including

Exile Boxes) as Depleted or, if already De-

pleted, Exhausted (3.4.4, 4.5, 4.6.2, 4.6.3).

Pillage always Exhausts a Stronghold (3.2.1,

4.7). Exhaustion bars further use of a Locale for those purposes.

Depleted and Exhausted Locales periodically recover (4.8.4).

DESIGN NOTE: Depletion and Exhaustion represent a locali-

ty’s reluctance to help either side during the war and its resent-

ment against anyone calling upon it to do so.

SEAS AND PORTS: There are three Sea zones marked on

the map—Irish Sea, English Channel, and North Sea. Strongholds

with an anchor are Ports. Seas and Ports affect Supply, Sail, and

tracing connections.

• All Port Strongholds and Exile boxes on the same Sea are con-

sidered at one Way distance for tracing Routes of adjacent Lo-

cales (for Parley, Supply, and Tax) if the Lord taking the action

has at least one Ship (1.7, 3.4.1, 4.5, 4.6.3).

• Ships can use Ports to Supply Provender (4.5).

• Sail requires Ports and/or Exile boxes and is more difficult be-

tween Seas (4.6.1).

NOTE: While Exile boxes act similarly to Ports as listed above,

they are not otherwise Ports.

AREAS: There are three Areas marked by colored lines—

North, South, and Wales. A side Dominates an Area when it has

Favour in all Strongholds of the Area (regardless of either side’s

Lords there). Certain Events (1.9.1) can grant Dominance to cer-

tain Lords in certain Areas. Dominance of Areas yields Influence

each Campaign (4.8.1).

© 2023 GMT Games, LLC

Plantagenet Rules


WAYS: Three types of Ways— gray Highways, brown Roads,

and green Paths—link Strongholds as adjacent. A Way’s type af-

fects March speed (4.3.3). The Scotland box is adjacent to Carlisle

and Bamburg as if by Path (see EXILE BOXES, above).

Path, Highway, and Road Ways leading

south from the City of York

1.3.2 Calendar. A Calendar on the board tracks time. Cylin-

ders placed on the Calendar indicate when Lords are Ready for

Muster, and markers show when a Side must spend Influence

to keep Vassals from Disbanding (3.2.3). Reminders are printed

underneath for when to gain Influence, reset Lords’ Troops

and Assets, and remove Depleted and Exhausted markers (4.8.1,


TURNS: Each box of the Calendar is a Turn of 60 or 90 days

(two or three months). The boxes show how many Command

cards to use each Turn (representing seasonal effects on cam-


1.4 Influence

Influence points in Plantagenet represent the relative political

power of the Houses of York and Lancaster. Influence ratings

(1.5.2) represent the individual clout of a Lord in England’s inter-

nal struggle. The foldout aid sheet summarizes how sides spend,

lose, or gain Influence points (1.4.1) and how to check against a

Lord’s Influence rating (1.4.2).

1.4.1 Influence Points. Sides track Influence points toward

victory (5.1-5.3); spend them to check against Lords’ Influence

ratings to Parley, Levy Lords or Vassals, and Tax (3.4.1-.3, 4.6.3);

lose them when Lords face adversity such as lack of Pay or Feed

(Pillage, 3.2.1, 4.7) or Exile (4.3.5); gain them by winning Battles

(4.4.3); and also gain them for Favour and Mustered Lords in a

Tides of War step at Turn’s end (4.8.1). Arts of War cards also can

shift Influence (1.9.1).

TRACKING INFLUENCE: Slide the Influence marker along

the gameboard’s edge track as the sides gain or lose Influence.

Flip the marker to red for Lancastrian or white for Yorkist to show

the positive net Influence total for that side. The net total can nev-

er exceed 45.

EXAMPLE: The Influence Marker is at 3 showing Yorkists

(white). Yorkists spend 4 Influence points for Favour. Slide the

Influence marker to the 1 box and flip it to Lancastrians (red).

NOTE: Influence tracking is a net value. When the marker shows

one sides’ color, the other side can still spend Influence points,

pushing the opponent’s Influence total higher.

1.4.2 Check Influence. Many Parley, Levy, and Tax actions

(3.4.1-.3, 4.6.3-.4) and several Arts of War cards (1.9.1) call for a

Lord to check Influence.


• That Lord’s side spends one Influence point (1.4.1).

• Before rolling, that side may spend an additional one or three

Influence points (never two). If it spends one added point, add

one (+1) to that Lord’s Influence rating for that check only; if it

spends three points, add two (+2) to the rating.

• If the target is a Vassal (usually, for Levy, 3.4.3), modify that

Lord’s Influence rating by the Loyalty rating on that Vassal’s

counter, if any (1.5.4). Add the Vassal’s rating to the Lord’s rat-

ing if the Vassal rating numeral’s color on the Vassal matches

the Levying side—red for Lancastrian, white for Yorkist—or

subtract if the color opposes that of the Levying side.

• If Parley (3.4.1), the side then must spend one additional In-

fluence point for each Way (if any, including Port or Exile box

to Port on the same Sea) between that Lord and the targeted


• Roll a die. The check succeeds if the roll is equal to or less than

that Lord’s modified Influence rating. EXCEPTION: A roll of

“1” always succeeds, and a roll of “6” always fails.

EXAMPLE: A Yorkist Lord with Influence rating “3” attempts to

Parley Favour at an adjacent Stronghold during Levy (3.4.1). The

Yorkists opt to lower their Influence points by three total—one for

the check, plus one for the intervening Way, plus one to modify the

Lord’s rating to “4”. The roll is a “5”, so the Parley fails.

PLAY NOTE: As an Influence check always fails on a roll of

“6”, there is no benefit to spending points to raise an Influence

rating beyond “5”.

1.5 Lords and Vassals

Cylinders, Lord cards, and 5”x5” mats track the status of Lords

in Plantagenet. Vassals set up with counters at certain Strong-

holds and Muster to Lord mats and the Calendar to track their


1.5.1 Lords. Lords are the figures who lead military preparations

and operations (Levy and Campaign).

CYLINDERS: Each Lord has a wood cylinder to show that

Lord’s location or readiness to Muster. Any reference to location

of a Lord means where the cylinder is—at a Stronghold, in an

Exile box, on the Calendar, or out of the game.

STICKERS: Apply stickers onto the 24 cylinders, one stick-

er each, red sticker on red, white on white. A cylinder’s sticker

shows the Lord’s Livery Badge, Command rating, and—if Mar-

shal or Lieutenant—a gold or silver ring.

BADGES: Each Lord has a shield-shaped Livery Badge that

identifies that Lord’s cylinder, Lord card, Seat marker, and card


© 2023 GMT Games, LLC

Plantagenet Rules


LORD CARDS: Lords have cards that show their Livery

Badge, name and title, Seat location, whether a Marshal or Lieu-

tenant (4.3.1), whether an Heir and what rank (6.2), ratings, and

starting Forces and Assets. When a Lord sets up or Musters (6.0,

3.4.2), put that Lord’s card on a blank Lord Mat (1.5.3).


Lord version

Heir rank

Seat marker location


Starting Troops

Starting Assets

A Lancastrian Lord card

NOTE: Some historical figures have multiple cards and/or cyl-

inders, and some cylinders represent successors. Numbered Lord

card versions such as “Exeter (1)” and “Exeter (2)” appear by

scenario or by Succession in the full-length scenario (6.0-6.3).

Arts of War card text and Livery Badges referring to such Lords

(1.9.1, 3.4.2) apply to either.

COMMAND CARDS: Each Lord has a set of Command cards

that enables that Lord to take actions on Campaign (4.2).

RETINUES: Each Lord uses a single generic Retinue counter

in Battle as part of that Lord’s Forces (1.6, 4.4).

MARSHAL, LIEUTENANT, HEIR: Certain Lords, marked by

a gold or silver ring on their cards and cylinders, can lead other

Lords on March (4.3.1). NOTE: Lieutenants in this game, unlike

those in earlier games, closely resemble Marshals. Also, some

Lord cards say “Heir” with a number, as aspect used only in the

full-length scenario (6.2).

Yorkist Marshal and Lieutenant Lord cards

DISBAND/REMOVAL: Lords and Vassals can Disband (3.2.4).

Death or Shipwreck can remove Lords (4.4.3, 4.8.2). Return

Disbanded or removed Lords’ Forces and Assets from their mats

to pools and discard any Capability cards at the mat.

• If Disbanded, return a Lord’s cylinder to the Calendar as in-

structed in 3.2.4.

• If Dead (4.4.3) or Shipwrecked (4.8.2), remove a Lord’s cylin-

der from the game permanently.

• Return a Disbanded Vassal to the Calendar as instructed in


1.5.2 Ratings. Lord cards list four ratings:

Influence: A die-roll range for Influence checks (1.4.2),

shown as a scroll symbol with the upper number of that range

(such as “4” for 1-4).

Lordship: The number of Levy actions that the Lord takes

during Muster (3.4), a numeral in an oval symbol.

Command: The number of Command actions that the Lord

can undertake each time that Lord’s Command card is revealed

during Campaign (4.2.1), a numeral in a card symbol and on the

Lord’s cylinder piece and Command cards.

Valour: A die-roll range for that Lord’s ability to Intercept

(4.3.4) and the number of rerolls that Lord can make during a

Battle (4.4), shown as a numeral over a shield symbol.

DESIGN NOTE: Influence shows a Lord’s political charisma,

Lordship wherewithal to mobilize for war, Command alacrity in

the field, and Valour tactical talent.

1.5.3 Lord Mats. Generic 5x5-inch mats hold Mustered

Lords’ cards, Forces, and Assets.

MAT SECTIONS: Mats have spaces for a Lord’s card (1.5.1),

Forces (1.6), and Assets (1.7).

FORCES AND ASSETS: Upon Setup or Muster of a Lord (6.0,

3.4.2), put that Lord card, a Retinue counter, and the Troops and

Assets listed on the card (1.6, 1.7) into the appropriate sections

of a blank mat. As the Lord adds Troops, Vassals, or Assets, add

them to the mat, to a maximum of two Ships per mat (1.7.3,

3.4.5). Forces Routed in Battle slide into a Routed section (4.4.2).

Forces area




Routed area


Lord card

A Mustered Lord’s mat

ARTS OF WAR CARDS AT MATS: When Arts of War cards

affect that Lord, tuck them partly under the mat—Events at the

top edge and up to two Capabilities at the bottom edge (1.9.1,

3.1.3, 3.4.6).

SHARING: Lords may use and spend Assets (1.7) to help one

another if at the same Locale. They never Share Retinues, Vassals,

Troops, or Valour markers.

© 2023 GMT Games, LLC

Plantagenet Rules


EXAMPLE: A Lord Shares his Carts with another Lord whose

Provender exceeds Transport, so as to speed a group’s March


Important: Lords on the same side may Share but not transfer

or trade anything among one another – not Vassals, Troops,

Assets, or cards.

Hidden Mats Option: For fog of war, players may agree to hide

their Mustered Lords’ mats (and Capability cards, 3.4.6) behind

screens (2.1.1) except when in Battle. Players declare hidden Vas-

sals, Assets, cards, and Troops only as needed to verify actions on

the board, such as enough Transport for a March (4.3).

1.5.4 Vassals. Vassals in Plantagenet may join either side.

Vassals Muster to a Lord’s mat, fight as a unit with tht Lord’s

Forces in Battle, and enable Tax from their Seat (3.4.3, 4.4, 4.6.3).

Vassals stay with the Lord who Levies them until the Vassal Dis-

bands or the Lord Disbands or Dies (3.2.3-.4, 4.4.3).

VASSAL COUNTERS: Each Vassal has two copies of a

5/8th-inch square buff counter showing a family coat of arms, one

or two ratings, and the Vassal’s Seat on the back. Per scenario, set

up a Vassal’s two counters at the Vassal’s Seat on the map (also

identified by coat of arms, 1.3.1, 6.0). When a Vassal Musters, put

one counter on the Levying Lord’s mat as a Forces unit and the

other on the Calendar per the Vassal’s Service (3.4.3).





A Vassal counter, front and back

RATINGS: Vassal counters list one or two ratings—

Loyalty: Often, a red or white numeral on the left that affects

Levy Influence checks by modifying the Levying Lord’s Influ-

ence rating (1.4.2, 3.4.3).

Service: A numeral on the right affecting Muster and Pay or

Disband (3.4.3, 3.2.3).

SPECIAL VASSALS: Hastings, Edward Prince of Wales,

Montagu, Clifford, Stanley, and Trollope have single Vassal mark-

ers with light blue or pink backgrounds and no ratings. Unlike

other Vassals—

• They Muster by Capability card (1.9.1) rather than by Levy

Vassal action (3.4.3).

• They have no Vassal Seat and thus do not set up on the map or

aid Tax (4.6.3).

• They do not put a marker on the Calendar and need not be Paid


• Whenever they Disband (as in Battle, 4.4.3), discard the Capa-

bility card that placed them.

A Lancastrian Special Vassal, front and back

DESIGN NOTE: The “Vassals” here were all lords in their

own right, some richer and more powerful than Lords in the

game. “Lords” represent the nobles most active in the War.

“Vassals” represent noble families who fought but did not lead

the main armies.

1.6 Forces

Plantagenet represents a Lord’s with

Forces Retinue and Vassal counters

plus wooden Troop pieces, each of

which is a unit. See the Forces foldout

page for a listing of their types, count-

ers or pieces, and characteristics. Keep

spare Troop pieces in a pool such as a

bowl (2.1.1).

Troop pieces in the game limit

play—Muster no Troop units beyond

those in the pool (3.4.4), including

via Arts of War cards (1.9.1).

• A Mustered Lord without any Troops (wooden pieces, not just

Retinue and Vassal counters) outside Battle immediately Dis-

bands (3.2.4).

DESIGN NOTE: Each Troop unit represents around 500 infan-

try, each Retinue and Vassal unit 200-250 armed and typically

mounted men.

1.7 Assets

Various items that Lords obtain and use—Transport (Carts and

Ships), Provender (food and other supplies), and Coin (money)—

are shown by 5/8th-inch counters placed on Lords’ mats.

NOTE: Lords use Transport to acquire and move Provender (4.3,

4.5) and Ships to Sail (4.6.1); Lords themselves otherwise can

move without Transport and do not need Transport to move Coin.

1.7.1 Accounting. Lords may add and expend each type of As-

set as if money, making change as needed. Plain markers repre-

sent one such Asset each; “x2”, “x3”, and “x4” markers represent

those amounts.

1.7.2 Greed. Lords may discard (rather than use) Assets only

as needed to help them move (4.3, 4.6.1) or as rules or card text


1.7.3 English Ships. No more than nine Lords may have

Ships. No Lord may have more than two Ships.

NOTE: In effect, Ship counters limit play, while other Assets do

not. If other Asset counters run out, stack unused markers below

them as duplicates.

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Plantagenet Rules


1.8 Other Markers

Variously shaped game counters include—

Round markers to track time (2.2.2, 6.0) and Exile box align-

ment (1.3.1, 6.0).

Several 5/8th-inch square markers:

Influence, Stronghold, and Victory Check markers for the

edge track (1.4, 4.8.1, 4.8.3, 6.0).

• Moved-Fought/Source and Battle Locale markers (4.3, 4.4,

4.5.1, 4.6.1, 4.6.3, 4.7).

Smaller ½-inch square markers include:

Yorkist/Lancastrian Favour for Strongholds Friendly to a

side (1.3.1, 3.4.1, 4.6.4).

Depleted/Exhausted for Strongholds and Exile boxes (1.3.1,

3.4.4, 4.5, 4.6.2, 4.6.3).

Exile markers for Lord cylinders on the Calendar (4.3.5,


Valour and Hits for Battle (4.4.1-.2).

• Feed x2/x3 reminder markers (4.7).

• Numbered markers to help log actions, rounds, altered ratings,

and such.

1.9 Cards

In addition to Lord cards (1.5.1), each side has two types of cards:

Arts of War cards with Events and Capabilities, and Command

cards for Campaign actions. Players may not inspect one anoth-

er’s decks.

1.9.1 Arts of War. Each side has its own deck of Arts of War

cards. Each Arts of War card has an upper Event section and lower

Capability section. Only one of the two sections is in effect at a


NOTE: Italicized card text beneath a title provides historical fla-

vor (no effect on play).

SCENARIO: The number of roses at the center of an Arts of

War card indicates which numbered scenarios use the card (2.1.2,

6.0)—I, II, III, or no rose for all scenarios.





0-3 roses)





Arts of War cards


EVENTS: The upper Event section provides players immediate

and/or temporary benefits or opportunities. Players draw two Arts

of War cards for their Events at the outset of each Levy after the

first (3.1). NOTE: For the use of Events, see 3.1.3.

CAPABILITIES: The lower Capability section provides lon-

ger-lasting benefits, either drawn randomly during initial Levy

(3.1) or selected (3.4.6). Livery Badges at the left show which

Lords may Levy and use the Capability, ignoring which numbered

version of a Lord, (1) or (2).

Important: Players may not voluntarily discard Capabili-

ties. They remain at Lords’ mats except as card text instructs,

when that Lord leaves the map (such as by Disband), or when

a Special Vassal named on them Disbands (3.4.6, 3.2.4, 4.3.5,


PLAY NOTE: Since Events and Capabilities share cards, one

when in play blocks the other (3.1.3, 3.4.6).

CARD USE: When a card contradicts rules, card text takes pre-

cedence. The player of an Event or owner of a Capability decides

how to implement card text within what is specified. If an Event

contradicts a Capability, the Event governs.

1.9.2 Command Cards. Each side’s Command deck has three

action cards per Lord and four Pass cards. Players build their

Campaign Plan each Turn (4.1) by stacking Command cards of

their Mustered Lords. They add Pass cards as needed to fill out a

Plan when too few Lords are Mustered.

A scene from the battle of Towton

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Plantagenet Rules


2.0 Setup and Calendar

2.1 Setup

2.1.1 Lay Out. Seat players and set the game board between

them. You will want enough table space around the board for

mats, cards, and pools. See the 2-player layouts shown here and

for solitaire play in the Background Book.

POOLS: We suggest a nearby pool each for wooden Troops, As-

set markers, and remaining markers (1.6-1.8).

DECKS: Select and separate playing cards into four decks—one

Arts of War deck and one Command deck per side (1.9).

OTHER ITEMS: Each player takes a foldout aid. If using the

Hidden Mats option (1.5.3), each player gets a screen. Keep this

rules booklet, other reference sheets, and the Background Book


2.1.2 Scenarios. Choose a scenario (6.0). Agree on whether

to use Hidden Mats screens (1.5.3). Prepare Arts of War decks

by setting aside cards not used in this scenario (1.9.1). Set up the

situation and begin play with the first Levy (3.0).

NOTE: If playing for the first time, consider setting up the “quick-

start” found in the Background Book.

2.2 Calendar

The Calendar (1.3.2) tracks time, Lord Readiness including for

Exile (3.4.2, 3.3.1), and Vassal Service (3.4.3).

2.2.1 Turns. Each Scenario covers one or more 60-Day or 90-

Day Turns (1.3.2). Each Turn has a Levy sequence, then a Cam-

paign sequence. Conduct each Levy and Campaign as detailed

in rules sections 3 and 4, respectively, and summarized on the

Sequence of Play foldout page.

2.2.2 Marking Time. The round Levy/Campaign marker

tracks the progress of 60-Day or 90-Day Turns and

Levy and Campaigns within each. Mark that it is

Levy or Campaign by placing the marker with that

side up in the Levy/Campaign circle of the current

Turn box on the Calendar.

2.2.3 Marking Readiness and Service. Place and shift

Lord cylinders and Vassal markers in the Calendar’s boxes as de-

scribed in various rules or on Event cards (1.9.1). All instructions

to shift right or left mean that number of Turn boxes. If a direction

is not specified, the executing player chooses.

EXAMPLE: “Shift 1 right” from box 10 means to box 11, “1 left”

from 11 means to 10.

CALENDAR’S END: When a Lord cylinder or Vassal marker is

to appear or shift below (left of) box 1 or beyond (right of) box 15,

set it just off the Calendar on that side and ignore further shifts in

that direction. The first shift back toward the Calendar places the

marker into box 1 or box 15, respectively. NOTE: This practice

reduces “end-of-time” anomalies.

Sample layout with square or round table and

no Hidden Mats Option (1.5.3).

Sample layout with wide but shallow table and

using Hidden Mats Option (1.5.3).

Unused Mats and Service markers

Unused Mats and Service markers

Troops and Assets pools

Troops and Assets pools

other markers

other markers

Battle Array with mats

(or use Battle mat with cylinders here)

Battle Array with mats

(or use Battle mat with cylinders here)












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Plantagenet Rules


DESIGN NOTE: Periods when lords fought in the Wars of

the Roses varied enormously, as political negotiations brought

them into the field.

2.2.4 Player Order. By scenario setup, one side is the

King’s side, the other side is Rebel. Unless noted otherwise, the

Rebels go first and the King’s side second in each step of Levy

and Campaign.

EXAMPLE: If Yorkists are Rebel, they Pay Troops before Lan-

castrians do (3.2).


• Play of Command cards alternates, one Rebel card, then one

King’s side card, then another Rebel card, and so on (4.2).

• The order of many steps in Battle will depend on who is Active,

Attacking, has Missile Troops, and so on (4.4).

3.0 Levy

At the outset of each Turn, players prepare for the campaign to

follow by adding to their armies. See the Sequence of Play foldout


3.1 Arts of War

Each side first draws two random Arts of War cards as Capabili-

ties or Events as follows.

3.1.1 Shuffle. Collect and shuffle all unused Lancastrian Arts of

War cards into an Event draw deck; do the same for Yorkists. Held

Events (3.1.3) and Capability cards in play (3.4.6) are not includ-

ed in the draw deck.

3.1.2 Draw Capabilities. If it is the Levy for the scenario’s

first Turn, the Rebel side then the King’s side each randomly

draws two Arts of War cards from the player’s own deck and de-

ploys them as Capabilities (lower half of the card, 1.9.1) at their

Lord mats (1.5.3).

• Discard any card that a side cannot assign to a Mustered Lord


3.1.3 Draw Events. If it is the second or any later Levy, the

Rebel side then the King’s side each draws and implements in

the order drawn two cards’ Events (the upper half of each card,

1.9.1). Except as specified below, reveal Events immediately and

return the cards to the deck. Bold-italic card text specifies certain

Event types:

• Players keep all drawn “Hold” Events hidden for later use.

When played on a specific Lord, tuck the card under the top

edge of that Lord’s mat, so that the Event text shows.

“This Levy” and “This Campaign” Events are in effect until

the end of the current Levy or Campaign, respectively. Do not

return them to their deck until then. NOTE: The Capability on

the bottom half of such a card will not be available for selection

this Levy.

NOTE: A side’s Events can affect the opposing side. The side

playing an Event card makes any decisions allowed unless other-

wise specified. It is possible for an Event text to have no effect on

the current situation of the game.

3.1.4 Greed. Players may not discard (as opposed to use) cards

unless permitted by a rule.

EXAMPLE: Hold Events only return to their deck once used per

card text or discarded at Campaign’s end (4.8.6).

3.2 Pay

After drawing cards, unless it is the Levy for the scenario’s first

Turn, Rebels’ then the King’s sides Pay Coin for their Mustered

Troops and Influence points for their Lords and Vassals. Failure to

Pay fully results in Pillage and/or possible Disband.

Important: On the first Turn, skip to Exiles (3.3).

3.2.1 Pay Troops. First, in an order chosen by the owner, each

Mustered Lord must Pay that Lord’s Troops. Pay one

Coin from that Lord’s mat per six Troops on it, round-

ed up. Lords may not withhold Coin, even if able to

Pay only partially, nor may they Pay Coin beyond

that required (1.7.2). Lords of the same side in the same Locale

must Share Coin as needed (1.5.3). NOTE: Do not count Retinues

or Vassals. As helpful, put “Feed x2” or “Feed x3” markers on

mats as a cue to both Pay and Feed (4.7) amounts.

SHARING: Lords must Pay their own Troops first, using Coin

from their own mats. Then, Lords must expend Coin to Pay the

Troops of their side’s other Lords in the same Locale who have

expended all of their Coin but did not have enough to Pay their

Troops (1.5.3). Players may not withhold Coin; they must use all

Coin as able to make Pay, even partially.

GREED: Pay may not remove Coin beyond this requirement


PILLAGE: Then, Lords whose Troops received less Coin than

required (including requiring two or three Coin but with access

to fewer) must immediately Pillage their location if it is an Un-

exhausted Stronghold or suffer Unpaid/Unfed Disband if at an

Exhausted Stronghold or in an Exile box. NOTE: The foldout Se-

quence of Play page includes a Pillage summary box. The Back-

ground Book has an example beginning page 14.

• When an Unexhausted Stronghold has several Unpaid Lords or

Unfed Lords (4.7), the owner chooses one and only one Lord to

Pillage it.

PROCEDURE: Wherever a Lord Pillages—

• Add Coin and Provender to the Pillaging Lord’s mat per the

foldout’s Strongholds table.

• Reduce the Pillaging side’s Influence points by double the total

number of Assets added.

• Mark the Stronghold Exhausted (even if not yet Depleted).

• Mark the Stronghold with Enemy Favour (if not so already).

• Shift each Stronghold that is adjacent by Way (not by Sea) one

level toward Enemy Favour—Friendly to Neutral or Neutral to


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Plantagenet Rules


• After Pillaging, Pay Unpaid Lords’ Troops (regardless of any

Coin used earlier). Share as needed. If Coin is again insufficient

for any Lords’ Troops, Disband those Lords as Unpaid/Unfed.

UNPAID/UNFED DISBAND. Lords who fail to fully Pay or

Feed (4.7) their Troops, either because they could not Pillage or

still had too little Coin or Provender, must Disband (3.2.4). As a

penalty, their side loses Influence points equal to the sum of all

their Unpaid or Unfed Lords’ Influence ratings plus one for each

of their (Disbanding) Vassals (in addition to any Influence penalty

for Pillaging, above). NOTE: Shipwreck incurs the same penalty

as Unpaid Disband but permanently removes the Lord (4.8.2).

EXAMPLE: After Yorkists Pillage, their Lords Salisbury and

Rutland, each with one Vassal, still have too little Coin to ful-

ly pay one Coin per six of their Troop pieces, rounded up. Both

Lords now Disband to the Calendar Unpaid. The Yorkists lose

seven Influence points on the edge track—five for the sum of the

two Lords’ Influence ratings plus two for the Vassals they had on

their mats.

3.2.2 Pay Lords. Next, Rebel then King’s side players may

Disband (3.2.4) any of their Lords on the map. Sides then must

pay one Influence point for each Lord that they have at Strong-

holds plus two Influence points per Lord in Exile boxes (nothing

for Lords on the Calendar).

3.2.3 Pay Vassals. Finally, Rebel then King’s side players

may pay one Influence point for each Mustered Vassal on that

side that has a faceup counter in the current Turn’s Calendar box

(3.4.3). If Paid, shift that Vassal marker by one box right. If not

Paid, Disband that Vassal (3.2.4).

3.2.4 Disband. To Disband a Lord, Disband all that Lord’s

Vassals as below, return all Troops and Assets from that mat to

their pools, and set aside that Lord card, Retinue, and mat. Place

the Disbanding Lord’s cylinder from the map onto the Calendar,

a number of boxes right of the current Turn equal to six minus the

Influence rating as printed on the Lord’s card.

EXILES: When a Lord Disbands from an Exile box or when

choosing Exile upon Enemy Approach (4.3.5), put an Exile mark-

er on that Lord’s cylinder on the Calendar.

DISBAND VASSAL: To Disband a Vassal, take that Vassal

counter from the Lord mat and place it on its matching counter on

the Calendar, flip both over to their back side (naming the Seat),

and shift them a number of boxes right of the current Turn equal

to six minus the Vassal’s Service rating.

NOTE: A facedown Disbanded Vassal will return to its Seat when

the Turn reaches its Calendar box (3.3.2).

3.3 Exiles and Vassals

Sides after Pay and any Pillage or Disband may Muster Exiled

Lords and make Ready Vassals who Disbanded earlier.

3.3.1 Muster Exiles. Each side may now Muster (3.4.2) any

of its Lord cylinders in the current or any earlier Calendar box

that are marked Exile (4.3.5) into a scenario-specified Exile box

(6.0). They do so without Influence check or cost. Set up their

mats (1.5.3).

NOTE: They may take part in the Muster segment that follows.

3.3.2 Ready Vassals. Return any Disbanded Vassals (face-

down counter pairs, 3.2.4) from the current Turn box to their

Seat on the map, face up (regardless of markers or Lords at that


3.4 Muster

Next, on-map Rebel then King’s Lords may take actions up to

their Lordship rating (1.5.2) to Levy other Lords, Vassals, Troops,

Transport, or Capabilities, or to Parley for Favour at Strong-

holds. Each Levy action spends one point of a Lord’s Lordship

rating. Complete each Lord’s actions before the next Lord, in any

order desired.

REQUIREMENTS: Lords must begin this Muster segment at a

Locale—Stronghold or Exile box—to use Lordship. While at

an Enemy or Neutral Stronghold, they may choose only Parley

attempts on their current location (3.4.1). Lords in Exile boxes

may not Levy Troops (3.4.4).

NOTE: Exile boxes are Friendly Locales to Lords there (1.3.1),

so allow Levy actions except Levy Troops.

Important: Lords brought onto the map during this Muster

segment (3.4.2) may not take Levy actions themselves. Lords

in Enemy or Neutral Strongholds may use remaining Lordship

normally if Parley (3.4.1) has rendered their current location


3.4.1. Parley. A Lord may use a Levy action (one point of

Lordship) to attempt to remove Enemy Favour or gain Friendly

Favour at that Lord’s Stronghold location or another Stronghold

that is connected to that Lord by a Route—an uninterrupted chain

of adjacent Locales, including the Lord’s Locale and the Parley

target Stronghold, that is free of any Enemy Lords and, except for

the target Stronghold, Friendly.

• If the Lord has at least one Ship, the Route may include an Exile

box holding that Lord and any Ports on the same Sea as if adja-

cent by a single Way (for Influence check cost, 1.4.2).

• Parley when a Lord’s current location is not yet Friendly may

target that Stronghold only.

PROCEDURE: The player declares which Stronghold is to

change Favour. The acting Lord checks Influence (1.4.2), includ-

ing added cost for the distance (in Ways) to the targeted Strong-

hold. Success adjusts the Stronghold to Friendly if it was Neu-

tral or Neutral if it was Enemy (as applicable, adjust Stronghold

markers on the edge track); failure has no effect. A Lord may

attempt repeated Parley for the same Stronghold, using a Levy

action (within Lordship) and spending Influence for each.

PLAY NOTE: Lords also can Parley as Command actions on

Campaign (4.6.4).

3.4.2 Levy Lord. A Lord at a Friendly Locale (including from

an Exile box) may use a Levy action to attempt to Levy another

Lord who is Ready—his cylinder is on the Calendar in the current

or a lower Turn box—to Muster onto the map.

In addition, either the Seat of the Lord to be Mustered must

be free of Enemy Lords, or that side must have at least one Seat

of any of its Lords both free of Enemy Lords and Friendly.

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Plantagenet Rules


PROCEDURE: The Levying Lord checks Influence (1.4.2, no

cost for Ways). Success Musters the Ready Lord onto the map as

detailed below; failure has no effect. The Levying Lord may use

more Levy actions (within Lordship) and Influence to keep trying

to Muster the same Lord (or others).

MUSTERING: When a Lord is Mustered—

• If possible, place that Lord’s cylinder at that Lord’s Seat where

no Enemy Lord and mark that Stronghold with Friendly Fa-

vour (if not already Friendly). NOTE: The Seat may be Neutral

or Enemy before converting to Friendly Favour. If any Ene-

my Lord(s) occupy that Lord’s Seat, instead place the Mustered

Lord at a Friendly Seat of any other of that side’s Lords where

no Enemy Lord (leaving Favour as is).

DESIGN NOTE: Although Lords had preferred manors and

castles, they held lands all around England and could gather

an army almost anywhere.

• Put that Lord’s card on an unused Lord mat and place a Retinue

marker along with the starting Troops and Assets shown on the

card (1.5.3).

3.4.3 Levy Vassal. A Lord at a Friendly Locale may use a

Levy action to attempt to Muster a Vassal. That Vassal’s markers

must be on the map (at the Vassal’s Seat). In addition, that Vassal

Seat Stronghold must be Friendly to the Levying side and free of

Enemy Lords.

PROCEDURE: The player declares which Vassal is to be Lev-

ied. The Levying Lord then checks Influence (1.4.2, no cost for

Ways), modifying the Lord’s Influence rating by adding or sub-

tracting that Vassal’s Loyalty rating (1.5.4, if any). Success Mus-

ters the Vassal to the Levying Lord as detailed below; failure has

no effect. A Lord may make repeated attempts to Levy the same

Vassal, using a Levy action and spending Influence for each try.


• Place one Vassal marker from that Vassal’s Seat on the Levying

Lord’s mat to serve as a Forces unit.

• Place the Vassal’s other marker face up on the Calendar, a num-

ber of boxes to the right of the current Turn equal to the Vassal’s

Service rating (1.5.4).

3.4.4 Levy Troops. A Lord at a Friendly Stronghold—not

in an Exile box—that is not yet Exhausted (1.3.1) may use a Levy

action to Muster Troops.

PROCEDURE: The Levying Lord adds Troops from the pool

(as able, 1.6) to that Lord’s mat as listed for the Lord’s current

location on the foldout’s Strongholds table. Then mark the Lord’s

location as Depleted, or—if already Depleted—flip the Depleted

marker to Exhausted.

NOTE: Unlike Levy of Lords or Vassals, Levy of Troops does not

require an Influence check. The pool of wood pieces limits Troop

Muster for both sides together (1.6).

3.4.5 Levy Transport.

A Lord at a Friendly Locale

may use one Levy action to add two Carts to that

Lord’s mat. Instead, a Lord may add one Ship if—

• The Lord is at a Friendly Port or in an Exile box,

• Fewer than nine Lords total on both sides already have Ships,


• The active Lord does not already have two Ships

(1.5.3, 1.7.3).

NOTE: Unlike Troop Levy, Transport Levy neither

causes nor is hindered by Depletion or Exhaustion.

3.4.6 Levy Capability. A Lord at a Friendly Locale may ob-

tain one Capability (an Arts of War card’s bottom half, 1.9.1) per

Levy action. Select from that side’s currently unused cards in the


• The lower left of each Arts of War card shows the Livery Badg-

es of those Lords who can Levy that Capability, often “Any”.

Ignore whether the Lord is either numbered version, such as

Somerset (1) or (2).

• Each Capability specifies in its text requirements and/or effects

related to the Lord who Levied it. Place the card at the bottom

edge of that Lord’s mat, with the upper half of the card (the

card’s Event) tucked out of view underneath the mat. A Lord

may only have two Capability cards at a time, neither with the

same name, and may not Levy more so long as two Capability

cards remain at that Lord’s mat.

PLAY NOTE: Levying a Capability blocks the Event on that

card from occurring.

Important: Players cannot voluntarily discard Capabilities

(1.9.1). Capabilities remain with a Lord until a rule or card text

forces discard.

NOTE: After completing Muster, players discard any “This Levy”

Events (3.1.3).

4.0 Campaign

After Levy, conduct that Turn’s Campaign, completing the steps

below. The Sequence of Play page of the foldout summarizes the

Campaign steps.


Plan: Each side sets its Campaign Plan—an ordered stack of

Command cards (4.1).

Activation: Starting with the Rebel player, one side flips its top

Command card and executes actions (4.2-4.6) with the Lord on

that card or does nothing if a Pass card.

o Actions: One side is Active, using Command card actions;

the other side is Inactive.

o Feed: At the end of each card, both sides’ Lords who moved

or fought Feed their Troops and may have to Pillage and/

or Disband (4.7).

More Activations: The other side next flips its top card and

executes that Activation (Actions, Feed). Continue to alternate

Activations by side until both Plan stacks are exhausted.

End Campaign: After the sides exhaust Plan stacks and finish

all Command Activations, the Campaign ends. Reset as listed at

4.8 and, if this was not the scenario’s last Turn, advance and flip

the Campaign marker to the next Turn’s Levy.

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Plantagenet Rules


4.1 Plan

The players each build a Plan for that Campaign by selecting and

stacking Command cards (1.9.2). The current Calendar box speci-

fies the number of cards that each Plan stack must use:

• 4 cards for January/February/March.

• 6 cards for April/May.

• 7 cards for June/July.

• 6 cards for August/September.

• 4 cards for October/November/December.

4.1.1 Selecting Cards. A Plan may use any cards from that

side’s Command deck (1.9.2). Use Pass cards to fill out a Plan

Stack to the Calendar specified total, when a side has too few

Lords on the map to do so with Lords who might become Active.

NOTE: Each Lord has three Command action cards, so could

become Active up to three times per Campaign.

4.1.2 Arranging Stacks. Each side stacks its four-to-seven

selected Command cards in any order desired, face down. The

top face-down card will be that side’s first Active Lord, and so

on. Players may not rearrange Plan stacks once built. Keep all re-

maining Command cards face down as well. Players always may

inspect their own Plan and the other side’s played but not unused

Command cards.

PLAY NOTE: When arranging one’s Plan stack, fan the cards

to show the order of Lords by corner symbols from left to right,

then flip face down.

4.2 Command

After building Plan stacks, Rebels then King’s side alternate flip-

ping (revealing) the current top Command card of their stack—

one Rebel card, then one King’s side card, and so on. After reveal-

ing a Command card, a side Activates the Lord shown on that card

or Passes if revealing a Pass card (4.2.3).

NOTE: After each Command card, Lords who moved and/or

fought will Feed their Troops and might have to Pillage and/

or Disband (4.7).








Command cards


4.2.1 Actions. A Lord shown on a Command card (bearing that

Lord’s Command rating number, 1.9.2), may execute a series of

Commands of the owning player’s choice (4.2.2, 4.3-4.6), in any

order, using actions numbering up to that Lord’s Command rating

(1.5.2, as shown on the card and Lord cylinder), including Pass

(4.6.5). EXCEPTION: Certain Commands—March via Path

(4.3.3) and Sail (4.6.1)—take all actions of an entire card.

PLAY NOTE: Lords may use multiple actions for a single Com-

mand type, such as three actions on a card to Tax three times.

Remember when taking actions to account for any Capability

cards (1.9.1) that modify the Active Lord’s Command rating.

4.2.2 Command Menu. Lords select from Command actions

listed on the Commands foldout page and detailed below: March,

Sail, Supply, Forage, Tax, Parley, or Pass (4.3-4.6).

4.2.3 Pass Card. Upon revealing a Pass card or the card of a

Lord not on the map, that side does nothing. Play instead passes

to the other side or ends the Campaign if neither side has cards

left in its Plan (4.8).

4.3 March

A Lord may expend a Command action to March between Strong-

holds or from Scotland.

MOVED-FOUGHT: As a reminder upon any movement during

March, put a Moved/ Fought marker on or next to

each side’s moving Lord cylinders.

4.3.1 Group March. When an Active Marshal Marches, any

or all Lords in the same Locale may March with the Marshal.

When an Active Lieutenant Marches, all Lords with the Lieu-

tenant except a Marshal may do so. Mark all who March Moved-


4.3.2 Haul. Before Marching, Lords must Discard any

Provender exceeding the number of their

Carts, including Sharing if a Group

(1.5.3, 4.3.1).

Important: Lords do not need Carts to March nor to carry

Coin, as long as they discard any Provender in excess of Carts.

4.3.3 March Speed. A Lord or Group (4.3.1) uses March Com-

mands to move to adjacent Locales via connecting Ways (1.3.1),

as specified below.

HIGHWAY: A Lord or Group uses one Command action to

March along a Highway to an adjacent Stronghold and then may

immediately March along a second Highway (only) for no added

action cost (reaching a Stronghold two Locales distant for just

one action).

ROAD: A Lord or Group uses one Command action to March

along a Road to an adjacent Stronghold.

PATH: A Lord or Group uses all actions of that Command card

to March along a Path to an adjacent Stronghold.




Types of Ways (1.3.1)

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4.3.4 Intercept. Whenever an Active Lord or Group March-

es to a Stronghold that is adjacent to any Enemy Lord(s) by High-

way or Road (not Path), a single such Enemy Lord may attempt

once to Intercept the Marching Lord(s). An Intercepting Marshal

or Lieutenant may bring Lords of the same side along as if a

Group (4.3.1). (The destination Stronghold may itself be an Ap-

proach, 4.3.5.)

PROCEDURE: The Intercepting Lord rolls a die. If the roll is

equal to or less than that Lord’s Valour rating (1.5.2), the Inter-

cepting Lord or Group moves to the adjacent Stronghold as if

using a March action to get there (Carts limit Provender, mark

as Moved). The Marching Lord or Group Approaches the Inter-

cepting Lord(s) there as if the latter arrived earlier (4.3.5, with

Intercepting Lords choosing either Exile or to Defend in Battle,

4.4). Failure has no effect.

PLAY NOTE: Intercept can serve to force Battle or reinforce a

Battle that is about to occur.

4.3.5 Approach. If a Marching Lord or Group enters the

Stronghold location of any Enemy Lord(s), including because

of Intercept (4.3.4), each Enemy Lord there must choose either

Exile or Battle, as follows, then Command actions end.

EXILE: For each Lord who chooses Exile—

• First, that side loses Influence points equal to that Lord’s printed

Influence rating plus one per Vassal on that Lord’s mat.

• Then, that Lord gives up Assets to Approaching Enemy Lords

as if Spoils after Battle (4.4.3).

• Lastly, the Lord going into Exile and that Lord’s Vassals Dis-

band (3.2.4). Put an Exile marker on that Lord’s cylinder on the


BATTLE: If any Enemy Lords remain there after completing any

Exile per above, then immediately fight a Battle (as part of that

March Command) with the Marching side as Attacker (4.4).

RECOVERY: After resolving any Exile or Battle resulting from

Approach, skip any Command actions remaining on this card

(4.2.1). Go to Feed (4.7).

Important: Whether Enemy Lords choose Exile or Battle, Ap-

proach blocks any further March or other Command actions on

the current card.

4.4 Battle

When a Lord Approaches an Enemy Lord (4.3.4-.5) who chooses

Battle rather than Exile, a Battle ensues (after any Exile). All

Lords remaining at the Stronghold location must participate. Ap-

proaching Lords Attack, and the other side’s Lords Defend. The

foldout’s Battle page summarizes these rules.

MARKER: As a reminder where Lords are fighting,

put the Battle marker at that Stronghold.









4.4.1 Battle Array. Players Array their Lords involved—either

cylinders on the Battle mat or mats on the table, as players prefer.

Defenders then Attackers position their Lords.

• A side may have a Lord each in up to three possible Front posi-

tions: left, center, and right. Other Lords start in Reserve.

• The Defenders first fill in Front center then Front left and/or

right positions with one other Lord present in each, if any, and

put any remaining Lords in Reserve.

• The Attacker must place one Lord directly opposite each Front

Defending Lord, first in the center, then left and/or right, as able.

PLAY NOTE: Players may use Lord cylinders on the Battle mat

or Array Lord mats, as preferred.

VALOUR: Put Valour markers on each Lord’s mat, equal to

that Lord’s Valour rating (1.5.2).

EVENTS: Defending then Attacking sides then may play Held

Events that specify “in Battle”, as applicable (3.1.3).

4.4.2 Rounds. Once Arrayed, a Battle continues Round after

Round, until all of at least one side’s Lords Rout. A Round of

Battle will go through the steps below in this order: Flee, Re-

position, Engage, Strike, Lord Rout. Strikes within each Engage-

ment will simultaneously total Missile Hits and roll Protection to

determine units’ Rout, then do the same for Melee. See the battle

play aid.

NOTE: Some Event Battle effects vary by Round.

FLEE: At the start of each Battle Round, the Defenders then

the Attackers declare whether any of their Lords will

Flee the Battle and, if so, which. Lords who Flee im-

mediately Rout (see below). Flip their Retinue over

to “Fled”: at Battle’s end, they will check Death with

a benefit of –2 to the roll (4.4.3).

NOTE: If all Lords on a side Flee (4.4.3), immediately end the


REPOSITION: As needed each Round, both sides reposition

Lords as follows (in this order).

Rout. Remove Routed Lords (including any who Fled) from

the Battle Array. They no longer occupy any Array position nor

participate further until Ending the Battle (4.4.3).

Advance. First the Defender then the Attacker slides any Un-

routed Lords in Reserve into any empty Front positions (one

Lord per position).

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Center. If a Front center position remains empty, Defender then

Attacker must select and slide one of that side’s Lords from

either left or right front to fill its empty Front center position.

ENGAGE: Lords in Front will fight the Lord directly opposite

or—if none opposite—an Enemy they are Flanking. Each pair or

group of opposing Lords fighting each other is an Engagement.

Flanking. A Lord in Front who has no Enemy Lord opposite

Engages the closest Front Enemy Lord: center may choose left

or right.









EXAMPLE: Battle Rout has resulted in the above Array. Lords B

and C oppose each other, A Flanks C, and D Flanks B. Therefore,

all four Lords form a single Engagement. A and B will total their

Hits and resolve Protection together, as will C with D.

STRIKE: The Attacking side next declares the order of En-

gagements. Then, Engagement by Engagement, the Forces of all

Lords of each side within that Engagement Strike those of the

other side in two steps: Missiles, then Melee.

Missiles. Simultaneously total each side’s Missile Hits

within the Engagement. Defenders

then Attackers then choose which of

their own Lords in each Engagement

will absorb Hits first. Defending

then Attacking Lords apply the Hits to their units, roll Protec-

tion, reroll for Valour, and Rout units before Melee.

Melee. After determining any Rout from Missiles, resolve

Melee Hits in the same way.

TOTAL HITS: Units each cause from ½ to 3 Hits, depending on

Forces and Strike type—see the foldout’s

Forces table. Total all Hits for Missiles or all

Hits for Melee, including the Forces of all

Lords of a side within that Engagement,

rounding up. As helpful, mark total Hits on the edge track.

NOTE: You do not roll to generate Hits—they generate automat-

ically based on the Forces Striking.

APPLY HITS: Hits apply to any Forces units of any Enemy Lords

within that Engagement, as selected by the owner, Hit by Hit.

A portion of the Forces table

PROTECTION: The Forces table shows various unit types’ Ar-

moured or Unarmoured Protection. Protection provides saving

rolls that can nullify Hits. Card text (1.9.1) can change these die-

roll ranges by altering the top number of the range.

A Lord’s Retinue counter showing Armour 1-4 (unmodified)


ROLL BY HIT: Hits cause die rolls against Protection that may

or may not Rout Forces.

Protection Rolls. For each Hit that a player assigns to a Reti-

nue, Vassal, or Troop unit, it rolls a die against its Protection. A

roll within its Protection range means that Hit has no effect (no

Rout). A roll above that range Routs it.

Valour Rerolls. Lords begin each Battle with Valour markers

equal to the Lord’s Valour rating (1.5.2). A Lord may expend

(set aside) Valour markers to reroll that Lord’s own Forces’

failed Protection, one marker per reroll, up to one reroll of each

failed Protection roll.

Forces Rout. A Retinue, Vassal, or Troop unit Routs as soon

as it fails to negate a Hit with a successful Protection roll: slide

its counter or piece to the “Routed” section of the Lord’s mat.

Routed units no longer Strike nor absorb Hits in that Battle.

NOTE: Unrouted Forces fight on as long as their Lord mat re-

mains in the Battle Array.

LORD ROUT: After all of a Round’s Strikes, Protection rolls,

and Valour rerolls, check each Lord for Rout. A Lord Routs if

either all that Lord’s Troops have Routed (regardless of Retinue

or Vassals) or if that Lord’s Retinue has Routed, or both.

EXAMPLE: A Lord’s Retinue fails its Armour roll. The player

uses one of that Lord’s Valour markers to roll again. That roll

fails, so the Retinue Routs and so will the Lord.

NEW ROUND: If at least one Lord on each side has yet to Rout,

begin a new Round with the “Flee” step (above); otherwise end

per below.

4.4.3 Ending the Battle. If only one side still has Unrouted

Lords, that side wins the Battle. If all Lords of both sides Routed,

both sides lose. In either case, proceed thus—

INFLUENCE: As a reward, the Battle’s winning side gains In-

fluence points equal to the sum of the printed Influence ratings

(1.5.2) plus one per Vassal of the Lords who fought on the de-

feated side.

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SPOILS: A winning side’s Unrouted Lords might receive As-

sets from the losing side’s Lords.

• If the Battle Stronghold Favours the winning side, the winning

side takes all the losing Lords’ Carts and Provender (only), dis-

tributed as desired among the mats of Unrouted winning Lords.

• If the Stronghold is Neutral, total and halve all the losers’ Carts,

rounding up, and separately total and halve all Provender, be-

fore transfer.

• If the Stronghold Favours the losers, transfer nothing.

DESIGN NOTE: Ships are not taken as Spoils because they

are distant from the field. Armies in this era also stored coin

safely away from battles.

LOSSES: Unrouted Lords determine the fate of their Routed

Troops pieces (not Retinues or Vassals), as follows.

• Roll a die for each Routed Troop unit.

• Compare each Troop unit’s roll to its inherent Protection, as

shown on the Forces table for that type (unmodified by Events

or Capabilities).

• Troops that roll within those ranges are no longer Routed—

push them above the line on their mat.

• Those that fail their roll are Lost—remove those pieces to the


Immediately Disband (3.2.4) any Unrouted Lord who Loses

all that Lord’s own Troops (regardless of Retinue or Vassal units


DEATH CHECK AND DISBAND: Routed Lords now Die or

Disband. Routed Vassals Disband.

Events. First, Defenders then Attackers may play Held Events

that affect Death checks.

Death Check. Then, each side rolls a die for each of its Routed

Lords—one by one, Defenders first, player chooses order

of own Lords. A Routed Lord Dies on a roll of 3-6. Sub-

tract two from the roll ( –2) for Lords who Fled (4.4.2).

Death. Lords who Die immediately Disband (3.2.4). Also, re-

move their Seats from the map and their Lord cards, Command

cards, cylinders, and Seat markers from the game. NOTE: Sce-

nario rules might replace Lords who Die (6.2-6.3).

Disband. Next, Disband normally (3.2.4) all Routed Lords who

did not Die as well as all Routed Vassals of Unrouted Lords.

NOTE: Vassals do not Die, as they represent entire families.

Cards. Finally, if any Special Vassals Disbanded, discard their

named Capability cards (1.5.4, 1.9.1)

4.4.4 Aftermath. After resolving the Ending the Battle seg-

ment, conclude the Battle as follows.

Moved-Fought: Mark all Surviving Lords Fought (if not al-

ready marked).

Events: Discard all Hold Events (3.1.3) used in this Battle.

Recovery: Skip any Command actions remaining on this card

(4.3.5). Go to Feed (4.7).

4.5 Supply

A Lord at a Friendly Locale may use a Command action to add

Provender to that Lord’s mat from a Friendly Stronghold or


4.5.1 Sources and Routes. The Active Lord must already

be at or have an unbroken Route, served by Carts,

to a single Stronghold or Port that that Lord will

use as a Supply Source. Mark Sources as helpful.

• A Supply Route must be an unbroken chain of Friendly Locales

adjacent by Way (not across any Sea) and free of Enemy Lords,

including the Active Lord’s Locale and the Source.

• If drawing from a Stronghold (rather than using a Port) as a

Source, it may not be Exhausted (1.3.1).

• To add Provender with Ships, the Source must be a Port.

• If the Lord is in an Exile box, Supply must use Ships and a Port

on the same Sea as a Source. EXCEPTION: Lords in Scotland

may use Supply Routes (by Path) from there to a Stronghold.

NOTE: An Exile box is never a Supply Source.

CARTS: To add Provender, the Active Lord must have or Share

(1.5.3) at least one Cart per Provender for each inter-

vening Way crossed (if any) along any Route to a

Source. NOTE: A Lord drawing Provender from that

Lord’s current location—or by Sea if at a Port or Ex-

ile box—would not need any Carts.

Important: In order to draw multiple Provender per Supply

action, a Lord must have a Cart for each Provender along each

Way along any Supply Route.

4.5.2 Add Provender. The Active Lord adds Provender

to that Lord’s mat per either the Source Stronghold or

Ships for a Port Source (not both), within the Trans-

port limit (Carts along Routes to Sources).

STRONGHOLD SOURCE: If the Source is a Stronghold, add

the amount of Provender shown for that Stronghold type on the

foldout’s Stronghold table (within the Transport limit, above).

Then mark that Stronghold as Depleted or—if already Depleted—

flip to Exhausted 91.3.1).

NOTE: Depleted and Exhausted markers do not affect Supply

Routes, only Strongholds as Sources.

EXAMPLE: A Lord with four Carts, two Ways from a Friendly

Depleted City, could draw two Provender for a Supply action and

flip the City to Exhausted.

PORT SOURCE: If the Source is a Port, add an amount of

Provender equal to the Active Lord’s Ships (includ-

ing Shared, 1.5.3, so may total more than two). If us-

ing any overland Route to the Port, do so within the

requirement for Carts (4.5.1). Ignore Depletion and


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4.6 Other Commands

4.6.1 Sail. The Active Lord at any Port or Exile Box or at Sea

may use all actions of that Lord’s Command card to move directly

to any Port on the same Sea that is free of Enemy Lords or into

that or an adjacent Sea (Irish Sea or North Sea to English Channel

or vice versa, 1.3.1); or, if at Sea, instead to such a Port on an ad-

jacent Sea. NOTE: See Sailing example in the Background Book,

page 14.

• An Active Marshal or Lieutenant may Sail with other Lords as if

a Group March (4.3.1), Sharing Ships among the Group (1.5.3).

• To move, the Active Lord must have or Share at least one Ship

per six Forces units (1.6), two Provender, and two

Carts (each rounded up). NOTE: A single Ship can

carry Forces and Provender and Carts up to each

of those limits. Lords may discard Assets as needed

to Sail (1.7.2).

MOVED-FOUGHT: Mark Sailing Lords Moved.

NOTE: Lords at Sea at the end of the Campaign must attempt to

Disembark (4.8.2).

4.6.2 Forage. A Lord at any Locale that is not yet Exhaust-

ed (1.3.1, regardless of Favour and including an Exile box) may

use a Command action to seek to add one Provender to that

Lord’s mat:

• If the Locale is Friendly and no Enemy Lord is adjacent, suc-

cess is automatic. Add one Provender.

• If Neutral and no Enemy Lord is adjacent, add one Provender

only on a die roll of 1-4.

• If Enemy Locale or any Enemy Lord is adjacent,

do so only on a die roll of 1-3.

DEPLETE: If Forage adds Provender (only),

mark the Locale (including an Exile box) Depleted,

or—if already Depleted—flip the marker to Ex-


PLAY NOTE: Forage needs no Transport or Source but is less

sure and bountiful than Supply.

4.6.3 Tax. A Lord at a Friendly Locale may use a Command

action to add Coin to that Lord’s mat from that Lord’s

own Seat Stronghold, a Seat of one of that Lord’s

Vassals (1.3.1, 1.5.4), or a Special Stronghold (Lon-

don, Calais, or Harlech). The Taxed Stronghold must

not yet be Exhausted (1.3.1) and must be connected to that Lord

by an unbroken Route of adjacent Friendly Locales free of Enemy

Lords, including both the Lord’s Locale and the

Taxed Stronghold. If the Lord has a Ship, the Route

may link Ports and/or an Exile box on the same Sea.

As helpful, mark the Taxed Stronghold as a Source.

PROCEDURE: After selecting the Stronghold to be Taxed,

the Active Lord checks Influence (1.4.2). If successful, add the

amount of Coin shown for the Taxed Stronghold type on the fold-

out’s Stronghold table to that Lord’s mat. EXCEPTION

• If the Taxed Locale is the Active Lord’s Seat, do not check In-

fluence, Tax succeeds automatically.

DEPLETE: If Coin added, mark the Taxed Stronghold as

Depleted, or—if already Depleted—flip the marker to


4.6.4 Parley. A Lord can spend Command actions during

Campaign to Parley as during Levy (3.4.1), however—

• The Route to the Parley’s target Stronghold may extend no fur-

ther than a Stronghold adjacent to the Active Lord or, via Ship,

from a Port or Exile box to a Port on the same Sea.

• Parley targeting the Active Lord’s own location (only) succeeds

automatically, without checking Influence or expending Influ-

ence points.

NOTE: Campaign Parley is otherwise the same as during Levy,

using Command instead of Lordship. Parley beyond the Lord’s

own location requires the Lord to occupy a Friendly Locale, re-

quires the target Stronghold to be free of Enemy Lords, and calls

for the usual Influence check for success, including an extra Influ-

ence point for distance (1.4.2).

4.6.5 Pass. An Active Lord may opt to Pass (do nothing) with

any Command actions.

4.7 Feed

At the end of each Command card, those

Lords on the Rebel then King’s side

marked Moved-Fought (because they took

part in March, Intercept, Battle, or Sail;

4.3, 4.3.4, 4.4, 4.6.1) must Feed their Troops. Each

such Lord must remove one Provender (from own

mat or Shared, 1.5.3) per six Troop units on that

Lord’s mat, rounded up. NOTES: Do not count Reti-

nues or Vassals. As helpful, put “Feed x2” or “Feed x3” markers

on mats.

SHARING/GREED: Expend Provender for Feed by the same

restrictions as Coin for Pay (3.2).

PILLAGE: Lords who Feed their Troops less than required must

immediately attempt to Pillage their Locales as if they failed to

Pay them (3.2.1, including possible Unfed Disband and Influence

penalties), except that they then attempt to Feed them with the

Provender gained (rather than Pay them with the Coin gained).

REMOVE MARKERS: Once Fed, remove Moved-Fought

markers from all Lords and proceed with the next Command card

of the other side, if any.

4.8 End Campaign

After revealing all Command cards in both sides’ Plan stacks, end

the Turn.

4.8.1 Tides of War. At the end of each Campaign, calculate

the amount of Influence points that each side will gain and adjust

the Influence marker by the net amount. An Influence table on

the foldout’s Commands page lists these awards. NOTE: Some

Capability cards (1.9.1) affect Tides of War.

• Each Area (North, South, and Wales, 1.3.1) awards one point

to each side that has at least one Lord anywhere within it plus

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two points to a side that Dominates it—has the Favour of all its

Strongholds (regardless of Lords present).

• Favour at Special Strongholds (1.3.1) awards points individual-

ly: two each for London and Calais plus one for Harlech. EX-

CEPTION: Award no points to a side for Favour at a Special

Stronghold while any Enemy Lord occupies it.

• A side that has the most total Favour markers at a given type of

Stronghold (1.3.1) earns two points for Cities plus one each for

Towns and Fortresses.

NOTE: Sides earn each award for having the most of that kind of

Stronghold, not per Stronghold.

EXAMPLE: Yorkists have Favour at five Cities, Lancastrians at

one City. The Yorkist side earns two Influence points total for hav-

ing the most Cities.

• At the end of certain Turns marked “Gain Lords Influence” on

the Calendar (January-February-March and August-Septem-

ber), each Side gains Influence points equal to the sum of print-

ed Influence ratings of all its Lords on the map (including those

in Exile boxes).

4.8.2 Disembark. Each Lord currently at Sea (4.6.1), first

Rebel then King’s side, now rolls a die.

Shipwreck: Lords who roll 1-4 permanently Disband (3.2.4).

Remove their Seats from the map and their Lord cards,

Command cards, cylinders, and Seat markers from the

game. The owning side loses Influence points equal to the

Lord’s printed Influence rating plus one per Vassal Disbanded

(as if Unpaid or Unfed, 3.2.1).

Land: Place Lords who roll 5-6 at any Ports on that Sea free of

Enemy Lords; they must immediately Feed (4.7). Lords who

roll 5-6 but cannot reach a free Port instead Disband normally


NOTE: Shipwreck is similar to Death in Battle (4.4.3), including

for Succession by scenario rule (6.2-6.3), but it incurs the Unpaid

penalty (3.2.1), and no Events influence the check (1.9.1).

4.8.3 Victory Check. After Tides of War and any Disem-

bark, check for game end and victory—

• If any side has no Lords on the map and no Exile Lords in next

Turn’s Calendar box, end the game and determine Campaign

Victory (5.1).

• If a side has Influence points equaling or exceeding the scenar-

io’s current Victory threshold (5.2, if any), it wins immediately.

• If neither of the above, but the just-concluded Campaign was

part of the scenario’s final Turn, the game ends: the side with

the most Influence points wins (5.3).

• If none of the above, proceed with play.

PLAY NOTE: For scenarios Ia and II, be sure to adjust the Vic-

tory Check marker to show the threshold listed for the current

Turn (5.2, 6.0).

4.8.4 Grow. At the end of each August-September Turn

(boxes 4, 9, and 14—marked “Grow” on the Calendar),

remove all Depleted markers from the map, then flip all

the Exhausted markers to their Depleted side.

4.8.5 Waste. At the end of October-November-December

Turns 5 and 10 (only, marked “Waste” on the Calendar), all on-

map Rebel then Kings’ Lords adjust their mat items thus:

• Provender, Carts, and Ships each to one-half their amount,

rounded up.

• Coin and Troops to exactly those shown on the Lord’s card as

Setup. EXCEPTION: Do not remove Mercenaries or Handgun-


NOTE: Waste does not affect Vassals or cards.

4.8.6 Reset. Prepare for the next Turn:

• Discard all “This Campaign” Events (3.1.3).

• Rebels then King’s side may discard any Held Arts of War cards

( only—not Capabilities at Lord mats) as desired back into

their decks (1.9.1).

• Advance the Campaign marker to the next Turn box and flip the

marker to Levy (2.2.2).

5.0 Victory

In Plantagenet, either Disband and Death of Lords or accu-

mulation of Influence points will determine Victory. Check for

victory after each Campaign (4.8.3, 5.1-5.2) and then at the end

of the scenario (5.3, after each War if playing the grand scenar-

io). Scenario special rules may provide added victory conditions


5.1 Campaign Victory

If a side upon Victory check (4.8.3) has no Lords on the map (in-

cluding none in any Exile boxes) and no Lord cylinders marked

Exile in the Calendar box for the next Turn (only), the game ends

immediately—the other side wins regardless of Influence points.

• If the above applies to both sides, the game instead ends in a


5.2 Threshold Victory

Several scenarios list Influence point thresholds, some by Turn.

If a side has reached or exceeded a Turn’s threshold after a Cam-

paign’s Tides of War and Disembark steps (4.8.3), it wins imme-


5.3 Scenario End Victory

If neither side has won by the Victory check (4.8.3) of the final

Campaign of a Scenario, the side with more Influence points

wins; if tied, the game ends in a draw.

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6.0 Scenarios

Prepare general setup per 2.1. Agree on whether to use the Hid-

den Mats option (1.5.3). Choose a scenario from the Scenarios

Guide chart below or the “quickstart” in the Background Book.

Find the scenario in the following pages and set it up. NOTE: The

Bosworth Battle mini-scenario does not use the game board, the

Hidden Mats option, or the Command deck.

DECKS: Each side has one Arts of War deck and one Command

deck. Assemble each sides Arts of War deck for that scenario

by including only cards without any roses at center plus those

with the number of roses corresponding to that scenario number

(I, II, or III, ignoring letters; 1.9.1). Alternatively, if playing the

Wars of the Roses grand scenario, set up Arts of War decks as

instructed (6.3).

MUSTERED LORDS: Find the named Lord cards listed

(1.5.1). For each, prepare a Mustered Lord mat as if just Levied

(1.5.3, 3.4.2), with that Lord’s card and starting Forces and Assets.

Then find and place that Lord’s Seat marker

(matching that Lord’s badge) at the Stronghold

listed on the Lord card and noted on the back of

the marker.


scenario, place Mustered Lord cylinders, regular Vassal marker

pairs (1.5.4), round Exile box alignment markers, and any other

markers (1.8) on the map; cylinders and markers on the Calendar

(2.2); and markers on the Influence edge track (1.3.1).

SPECIAL RULES: Note any listed special rules, such as “Cap-

ture of the King”, and Victory Threshold(s) for that scenario.

BEGIN PLAY: Commence the first Levy by shuffling each side’s

Arts of War deck and drawing random Capabilities (3.1.1-3.1.2).

Scenario Guide

1b. Towton, 1461

Battle Scenario-III(B). Bosworth, 22 August 1485

1a. Henry VI, 1459-1461

II. Warwick’s Rebellion, 1469-1471

I-III(?). Wars of the Roses, 1459-1485

III. My Kingdom for a Horse, 1484-1485

1c. Somerset’s Return, 1463-1464

Edward IV and Lancastrian fugitives at Tewkesbury Abbey

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Seasons: This is a longer scenario (15 Turns, three years). Play

from the first Levy of 1459 (box 1) through the last Campaign of

1461 (box 15).

Sides: Lancastrians King, Yorkists Rebel (1.1).

Arts of War: Each side forms a deck of its 13 no-rose and 9 one-

rose Arts of War cards (1.9.1). Return all remaining Arts of War

cards to the game box.

Lord Cards: Next, find the following cards for the Lords that will

be involved in this scenario (1.5.1).



• Henry VI.

• York.

• Somerset (1).

• March.

• Northumberland.

• Salisbury.

• Exeter (1).

• Warwick.

• Buckingham.

• Rutland.

Mustered Lord Mats: Set up the following mats for the Lords

whose cylinders will start on map (1.5.3).

Lancastrians—Henry VI and Somerset (1).

Yorkists—York and March.


See the setup illustration on the next page.

• Scotland and France Exile boxes marked Lancastrian, Ireland

and Burgundy Yorkist.

Seats for each Lord listed on Lord cards above, at the Locales

specified on each marker.

• All 13 regular Vassal marker pairs (no Special Vassals) at their

Vassal Seats.

• Lancastrian (red) Favour at London and Wells.

• Yorkist (white) Favour at Ely and Ludlow.

Henry VI and Somerset (with silver ring) at London (red cyl-


York at Ely, March at Ludlow (white cylinders).


• Box 1 has the Levy marker.

• Box 2 has Northumberland (red), Salisbury (white).

• Box 3 has Exeter (red), Warwick (white).

• Box 5 has Buckingham (red), Rutland (white).

Influence Track:

• Influence marker at 0 on Lancastrian (red) side.

• Fortress marker Yorkist (white) at 1, Town Yorkist (white) at 0,

City Yorkist (white) at 0.

• Victory Check marker at 40.

Allied Networks: Lords may use Exile boxes only as follows.

• Henry VI and Somerset—Scotland.

• Northumberland, Exeter, Buckingham—France.

• York and Rutland—Ireland.

• March, Warwick, and Salisbury—Burgundy.

Capture of the King: If Yorkists win a Battle against Henry VI,

they add +10 Influence points.

• Instead of checking for Henry VI’s Death (4.4.3), Disband him

(3.2.4). The Yorkists place his cylinder on the mat of any Un-

routed Yorkist Lord at the Battle (instead of on the Calendar).

• While a Yorkist Lord holds him, Henry VI cannot Muster and

does not count as on map.

• If that Lord goes into Exile, Disbands, or Dies, place Henry

VI on the Calendar as if just Disbanded; Lancastrian adds +10

Influence points.

Victory Thresholds:

• 40+ Influence on Turns 1-5.

• 35+ Influence on Turns 6-10.

• 30+ Influence on Turns 11-15.

Ia. Henry VI, 1459-1461

Richard of York and his sons, with the help of Richard Neville and his son, rebel against King Henry VI.

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Starting setup positions for Scenario Ia, “Henry VI”, 1459-1461

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Seasons: This is a brief introductory scenario. Play just the first

Levy and Campaign of 1461 (box 1).

Sides: Lancastrians King, Yorkists Rebel (1.1).

Arts of War: Each side forms a deck of its 13 no-rose and 9 one-

rose Arts of War cards (1.9.1). Return all remaining Arts of War

cards to the game box.

Lord Cards: Next, find the following cards for the Lords who

will be involved in this scenario (1.5.1).



• Somerset (1).

• March.

• Exeter (1).

• Norfolk.

• Northumberland.

• Warwick.

Mustered Lord Mats: Set up six mats, one with each of the Lord

cards listed above (1.5.3).

Mustered Vassal: Add a Fauconberg Vassal marker

(1.5.4) to March’s mat.


Seats for each Lord listed under Lord cards above, at the Lo-

cales specified on each marker.

• The 11 regular Vassal marker pairs other than Fauconberg and

Norfolk at their Vassal Seats.

• Lancastrian (red) Favour at St. Albans and all six Strongholds

within the North Area.

• Yorkist (white) Favour at London, Calais, Hereford, Glouces-

ter, Oxford, and all nine Strongholds within the South Area.

Somerset (silver ring) and Exeter at Newcastle, Northumber-

land at Carlisle (red cylinders).

March, Norfolk, and Warwick at London (white cylinders).

NOTE: There is no need to mark Exile boxes, as this scenario is

too short for Lords to end up there.


• Box 1 has the Levy marker.

• Box 2 has the End marker.

• Box 4 has Fauconberg Vassal.

Influence Track:

Influence marker at 0 on Yorkist (white) side (and no Stronghold


Norfolk is Late: In the first Battle that includes Norfolk and any

other Yorkist Lord(s), Norfolk Arrays and stays in Reserve (4.4.1)

until Round 2.

Test of Arms: After each and any Battle at York, set it to Favour

the winning side. A side with Favour at York at the end of the

Campaign wins the Scenario. The sides draw if neither has Favour


Victory Threshold: None.

Ib. Towton, 1461

A climactic showdown will decide who is to be King of England for the next 10 years, Henry VI or Edward IV.

A scene from the battle of Towton

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Seasons: This is a short scenario (three Turns, eight months). Play

from October 1463 (box 5) Levy through the April/May 1464

Campaign (box 7).

Sides: Yorkists King, Lancastrians Rebel.

Arts of War: Each side forms a deck of its 13 no-rose and 9 one-

rose Arts of War cards (1.9.1). Return all remaining Arts of War

cards to the game box.

Lord Cards: Find the following cards for the Lords who will be

involved in this scenario (1.5.1).



• March.

• Henry VI.

• Warwick.

• Somerset (1).

DESIGN NOTE: Edward uses his “March” card because he is

still a young and inexperienced king. Henry VI’s side is Rebel

because Somerset is in rebellion against Edward’s control of


Mustered Lord Mats:

Yorkists—March, Warwick with Lancastrian Capability card L23

Montagu and Montagu Special Vassal marker (see Montagu spe-

cial rule below).



• Burgundy Exile box marked Yorkist, Scotland Lancastrian


Seats for March, Warwick, Henry VI, and Somerset at the Lo-

cales specified on each marker.

• All 13 regular Vassal marker pairs at their Vassal Seats.

• Yorkist (white) Favour at Ludlow, Hereford, London, Calais,

and all nine Strongholds within the South Area.

• Lancastrian (red) Favour at Harlech, Pembroke, Cardiff, Ches-

ter, Lancaster, and all six Strongholds within the North Area.

March and Warwick at London (white cylinders).

Somerset at Bamburgh (red cylinder with ring).


• Box 5 has Levy marker and Henry VI (red cylinder) with Exile


• Box 8 has End marker.

Influence Track:

• Influence marker at 6 on Lancastrian (red) side.

• Fortress marker Lancastrian (red) at 1, Town Lancastrian (red)

at 0, City Yorkist (white) at 2.

• Victory Check marker at 25.

Montagu: Warwick—even though a Yorkist—sets up with the

Lancastrian 2-rose Montagu Capability card and its Special Vas-

sal (1.5.4). Disband or removal of Warwick or Montagu removes

the card from play.

Brief Rebellion: Skip Waste (4.8.5).

Victory Threshold: 25+ Influence.

Ic. Somerset’s Return, 1463-1464

As the Scots expel Henry VI, Henry Beaufort, Duke of Somerset, turns on Edward IV—a new king seeking to prove himself in the shadow

of the mighty Warwick.

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Seasons: This is a longer scenario (15 Turns, three years). Play

from the first Levy of 1469 (box 1) through the last Campaign of

1471 (box 15).

Sides: Yorkists King, Lancastrians are Rebel.

Arts of War: 12 or 13 no-rose and 9 two-rose cards per deck—

for the Lancastrian deck, remove card L4 Be Sent for/Heralds

from this scenario.

Lord Cards:



• Edward IV.

• Warwick.

• Pembroke.

• Clarence.

• Devon.

• Jasper Tudor (1).

• Gloucester (1).

• Margaret.

• Northumberland (1).

• Somerset (2).

• Exeter (2).

• Oxford.

Mustered Lord Mats:

Yorkists—Edward IV and Pembroke.

Lancastrians— Warwick, Clarence, Jasper Tudor.


• Burgundy Exile box marked Yorkist, France Lancastrian (only).

Seats for the Lords listed under Lord cards above, at the Lo-

cales specified on the cards.

• The 11 regular Vassal marker pairs other than Devon and Ox-

ford at their Vassal Seats.

• Yorkist (white) Favour at London, Ely, Ludlow, Carlisle, Pem-

broke, and Exeter.

• Lancastrian (red) Favour at Calais, Harlech, York, Coventry,

and Wells.

Edward IV at London and Pembroke at Pembroke (white cyl-


Warwick at Calais, Clarence at York, Jasper Tudor at Harlech

(red cylinders).


• Box 1 has Levy marker and Devon (white cylinder).

• Box 9 has Gloucester (silver ring) and Northumberland

(white cylinders); and, marked Exile, Margaret, Somerset (no

ring), Oxford, and Exeter (red cylinders).

Influence Track:

• Influence marker at 0 on Yorkist (white) side.

• Fortress marker Yorkist (white) at 2, Town Yorkist (white) at 0,

City Yorkist (white) at 0.

• Victory Check marker at 40.

Foreign Haven:

• Whenever Warwick goes into Exile upon Yorkist Approach

(4.3.5), shift all Lancastrian Lords on the Calendar (including

Warwick) leftward (only) to the current Turn; then shift all

Yorkists on the Calendar leftward (only) to the next Turn.

• Whenever Edward IV is Routed in Battle while Margaret is not

on map, he may go into Exile (4.3.5) instead of checking for

Death (4.4.3).

Shaky Allies: Upon placing Margaret in the France Exile box, per-

manently remove Clarence (return his mat’s items to their pools

and his cylinder, Lord card, and Seat marker to the game box).

Margaret and Warwick may never enter the same Stronghold.

Queen Regent: Each Tides of War that Margaret is at London,

Lancastrians add +3 Influence.

Victory Thresholds:

• 40+ Influence on Turns 1-5.

• 35+ Influence on Turns 6-10.

• 30+ Influence on Turns 11-15.

Battle array at Barnet, 14th April 1471

II. Warwick’s Rebellion, 1469-1471

Slighted by the King he made, Warwick schemes with Edward’s brother, the Duke of Clarence, then allies with Margaret d’Anjou and

Lancastrian exiles in France.

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III. My Kingdom for a Horse, 1484-1485

King Richard III defends his crown against Henry Tudor to set the

fate of the Plantagenet dynasty.

Seasons: This is a medium scenario (seven Turns, 16 months).

Play from June/July 1484 (box 3) Levy through the end of Au-

gust/September 1485 (box 9).

Sides: Yorkists King, Lancastrians Rebel.

Arts of War: 13 no-rose and 6 three-rose cards per deck.

Lord Cards:



• Gloucester (2).

• Henry Tudor.

• Northumberland (2).

• Jasper Tudor (2).

• Norfolk.

• Oxford.

• Richard III.

Mustered Lord Mats:

Yorkists—Gloucester (or Richard III), Northumberland, Norfolk.

Lancastrians—Henry Tudor, Jasper Tudor, Oxford.


• Burgundy Exile box marked Yorkist, France Lancastrian (only).

Seats for the Lords listed under Lord cards above, at the Lo-

cales specified on the cards.

• The 11 regular Vassal marker pairs other than Oxford and Nor-

folk at their Vassal Seats.

• Yorkist (white) Favour at London, Calais, Carlisle, Arundel,

Gloucester, and York.

• Lancastrian (red) Favour at Oxford, Harlech, and Pembroke.

Gloucester (gold ring) at London, Northumberland at Carl-

isle, Norfolk at Arundel (white cylinders).

Henry Tudor, Jasper Tudor, and Oxford in France Exile box

(red cylinders).


• Box 3 has the Levy marker.

• Box 10 has the End marker.

Influence Track:

• Influence marker at 0 on Yorkist (white) side.

• Lancastrian (red) Fortress marker at 1, Town Yorkist (white) at

1, City Yorkist (white) at 2.

King Richard: The Yorkist player at setup or during any Muster

(3.4) with Gloucester at London may replace the Gloucester Lord

card in place with Richard III, affecting various Arts of War.

Ravaged Land: Skip all Grow and Waste (4.8.4-.5).

Victory Threshold: 45+ Influence.

III(B). Bosworth, 22 August 1485

Richard III and Henry Tudor clash in an epic final battle.

Seasons: This is a Battle-only mini-scenario. It does not use the

game board (so ignore the map, Calendar, and Influence track).

Rather than playing any Turns, just Array Lord mats for a Battle

(4.4) and fight the Battle out for victory.

Sides: Yorkists King, Lancastrians Rebel.

Arts of War: 13 no-rose and 6 three-rose cards per deck.

Lord Cards:



• Richard III.

• Henry Tudor.

• Northumberland (2).

• Jasper Tudor (2).

• Norfolk.

• Oxford.

Mustered Lord Mats:

Yorkists—Richard III, Northumberland, Norfolk.

Lancastrians—Henry Tudor, Jasper Tudor, Oxford.

On Bosworth Field: Each player, working behind a screen, se-

cretly chooses four Capability cards. Distribute the Capabilities

among the Lords. Then Array the mats, one Lord at Front Center,

one at Front Left, and one at Front Right, placing each Lord’s

Valour tokens (4.4.1). Finally, reveal Arrays and begin the Battle

with Round 1 (4.4.2).

Victory: The winner of the Battle wins the scenario. If all Lords

on both sides Rout, the game is a draw.

A scene from the battle of Bosworth

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Wars and Respite: This full-length scenario links versions of

Scenarios I, II, and III into a single grand conflict (36 or 37 Turns

total), with added rules and altered setups. Play each of three

sub-scenarios—called “Wars”—in order. Rule sections 6.1 and

6.2 below detail how to go from one War to the next, and 6.3 lists

setup and special rules for each. Refer during play to the separate

Wars of the Roses aid sheet for summaries of these special rules

and victory conditions for each War.

Heirs and Succession: A specific set of Lords are rank-ordered

Heirs for each side. Heirs affect setup and play as explained in the

Victory special rules below, Surrender (6.1.1), Succession (6.2.2),

and each War’s own special rules (6.3). One side of the Wars of

the Roses aid sheet illustrates the Succession of these Heirs for

each War.

Dynastic Victory: A side that has its entire list of Heirs removed

(6.2.1, including Warwick) immediately loses the full Wars of the

Roses. NOTE: This is not possible for the Lancastrians in the first

and second Wars because of Henry Tudor, nor for the Yorkists in

the first War (only) because of Gloucester.

War Victory: A side that has all its Heirs listed for the current

War only (6.2.1, 6.3) removed by Death, Shipwreck, setup, or

special rules (4.4.3, 4.8.2, 6.3) immediately loses that War. A side

that wins a Campaign or Threshold Victory in the first or second

War (5.1-5.2) wins that War only. In either case, go to Respite and

War (6.1).

Final Victory: Ignore Scenario End Victory (5.3) until after the

third War, IIIY or IIIL. The side that wins the third War wins the

Wars of the Roses.

6.1 Respite and War

To begin the Wars of the Roses, set up and play the first War,

“Plantagenets Go to War” (6.3). That War’s outcome will deter-

mine which version of the next War to set up.

6.1.1 Surrender. A side in the first or second War may concede

that War as the loser (so as to proceed to Renewed War, 6.1.2), just

before their last Heir still present in that War (6.2, listed as an Heir

in that War’s setup but not yet removed) rolls for Death (4.4.3,

only, not Disembark, 4.8.2).

6.1.2 Renewed War. At the end of a War, note which Heirs

were removed, for example, by leaving them in the game box.

Then set up the next War (6.3).

• After the first War, if the Yorkists won the War, set up IIY. If the

Lancastrians won, set up IIL.

• After the second War, if the Yorkists won it, set up IIIY. If the

Lancastrians won, set up IIIL.

6.2 Heirs and Succession

6.2.1 Heirs. A Lord’s card (1.5.1) notes whether that Lord is an

Heir and, if so, what rank. Possible Heirs ranked highest to lowest

are as follows.


• Heir #1: York.

• Heir #2: March or Edward IV (eldest son of York).

• Heir #3: Rutland (middle son).

• Heir #4: Gloucester (1) or (2) or Richard III (youngest son).

• Heir #5: Warwick—perhaps, in the third War only.

I-III(?). Wars of the Roses, 1459-1485

Royal cousins muster England for three great spasms of fighting, to find by test of arms who will be King.

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• Heir #1: Henry VI.

• Heir #2: Margaret (with her son Prince Edward).

• Heir #3: Somerset (1) (2nd cousin of Henry VI).

• Heir #4: Somerset (2) (next brother in line).

• Heir #5: Henry Tudor (nephew of Henry VI).

• Heir #6: Warwick—perhaps, in the third War only.

KING: The highest-ranking Heir of the King’s side present in a

War will be King, affecting Succession aspects during setup and

play such as added Lords and Arts of War card mix (6.2.2, 6.3).

DESIGN NOTE: Lancastrians and Yorkists had many pos-

sible royal heirs, with shifting recognition over the period of

the strength of various claims. The game for purposes of play

includes only the most likely heirs. For example, Clarence ap-

pears only as a pawn in Warwick’s rebellion (War IIY), not as a

Yorkist Heir, because his brothers so readily disposed of him as

any challenge to their claims.

6.2.2 Succession. Removal of an Heir by Death or Ship-

wreck (4.4.3, 4.8.2, not mere Disband or Exile) can bring in new

Lords and cards, either upon setup of the next War or—in certain

Wars—immediately during play (6.3). Each War’s setup or spe-

cial rules identify who might Succeed whom, when, and to where.

The Wars of the Roses aid sheet summarizes the order of Succes-

sion by Lord for each War.

Important: Upon Death or Shipwreck, check if the removed

Lord is an Heir subject to Succession as specified in the special

rules for that War.

REMOVE: An Heir (6.2.1) removed by Death or Shipwreck

(4.4.3, 4.8.2) is permanently out of the game and may not return

in future Wars (6.1.2). In contrast, a Lord who is not an Heir and

is removed might return in the setup of a future War (6.3).

NOTE: Dead Heirs do not return in later Wars. Lords who are

not Heirs, in contrast, can Die or Shipwreck and return in a later

War (representing other members of the same family, for exam-

ple). Warwick is not an Heir until so designated in the third War,

so may always return in that War (6.3).

ADD: Add a new arrival’s Command cards to the game, Lord

card (to a mat if Mustered), Seat to the map, and cylinder to the

Calendar or map.

REPLACE: To replace a Lord “in place”, swap Lord cards on

the mat currently in use, cylinders in place on the gameboard,

and Command cards where they are, including in that side’s Plan


TO CALENDAR: Adding a Lord to the Calendar during play

places the cylinder in the next Turn box, and during setup into a

Calendar box as directed.

SEATS: Exchange any removed Lord’s Seat with the new arriv-

al’s Seat on the mat, as applicable.

ARTS OF WAR: Sometimes, Succession also adjusts which Arts

of War cards are in play. Remove cards from wherever they are,

including Held Events and Mustered Capabilities, and add cards

to that side’s Arts of War deck, as directed. Cards repeated from

one Lord to the next stay where they are (EXAMPLE: Card Y20

in War IIL).

PLAY NOTE: Loss of a side’s Heirs can end a War or the entire

scenario. See the Wars of the Roses Victory special rules above

and 6.1.1 Surrender.

6.3 The Wars

I. Plantagenets Go to War, 1459-1461

York and Warwick’s rebellion touches off decades of bloodshed

among cousins chasing the English crown.

War: This is the first of three Wars of the Roses. Set up Scenario

Ia “Henry VI” per page 20.

Seasons: Play from the first Levy of 1459 (box 1) through the last

Campaign of 1461 (box 15), using the Wars of the Roses rules

starting page 26 and the special rules below (including Succes-

sion) in place of those listed for Scenario Ia.

Sides: Lancastrians King, Yorkists Rebel.

Special Rules—

Lancastrian Succession: Lancastrian Heirs present for this War

are Henry VI, Margaret (Edward), Somerset (1), and Somerset

(2) (only). Removal of Henry VI or Somerset (1) and Muster of

Margaret during play triggers additions as listed below. (See also

Automatic War Victory special rule below.)

• Removal of Henry VI (4.4.3, 4.8.2) adds Margaret to the next

Calendar box (6.2.2). Remove Arts of War cards L15 and L17

from play (wherever they are) and add L27 and L31 to the Lan-

castrian deck.

• Muster of Margaret immediately assigns Arts of War card L26

Edward to her mat as a free, mandatory Capability. Her Dis-

band or removal (3.2.4, 4.4.3, 4.8.2) sets the card aside rather

than back into the deck—the Event Henry Released cannot

occur. The Capability returns to Margaret if she Musters anew.

• Removal of Somerset (1) adds Somerset (2) to the next Calen-

dar box (whether or not highest Heir).

Yorkist Succession: Yorkist Heirs present for this War are York,

March, and Rutland. Do not replace or add any Yorkists. (But see

Automatic War Victory.)

Allied Networks: Lords use Exile boxes as follows.

• Henry VI and any Somerset—Scotland.

• Margaret, Northumberland, Exeter, and Buckingham—France.

• York and Rutland—Ireland.

• March, Warwick, and Salisbury—Burgundy.

Automatic War Victory:

• Removal (4.4.3, 4.8.2) of Henry VI and Somerset (1) immedi-

ately wins the War for the Yorkists.

• Removal of York, March, and Rutland immediately wins the

War for the Lancastrians.

Victory Threshold: 40+ Influence.

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IIY. The Kingmaker, 1469-1471

His power waning as the new King cements rule after the first War

of the Roses, Warwick plots a comeback.

War: This is the second War of the Roses if the Yorkists win the

first War. Set up Scenario II “Warwick’s Rebellion”, page 24; how-

ever, do not yet form Arts of War decks or set up any Yorkist Lords

or Seats. Modify the setup as below, using Succession to find a

Yorkist King and set each side’s Lords and Arts of War cards.

Seasons: Play from the first Levy of 1469 (box 1) through the last

Campaign of 1471 (box 15).

Sides: Yorkists King, Lancastrians Rebel.

Setup Modifications—

Arts of War: Start Yorkists with all no-rose cards plus Y25, Y26,

Y27, Y29, Y30; Lancastrians with all no-rose except L4, plus

L23, L24, L25, L29, L30, L36. Succession can add or later re-

move more cards.

Yorkists: Add Rutland, unless removed in first War, Mustered

with Yorkist Favour at Canterbury (slide Yorkist Cities marker to

1); Devon in Calendar box 1, Gloucester (1) (silver ring) and

Northumberland (1) in box 9 (6.2.2).

Yorkist Succession: The four Heirs listed below can be present

in this War and become King whenever that Heir is the high-

est-ranked who remains (6.2.1). At setup and in play, adjust for

who is King as follows (6.2.2, including cards, mats, cylinders,

and Seats).

York. If still present, add York as King, Mustered at London.

Unless removed, Muster March at Ludlow. For as long as

York remains present (only), add Arts of War cards Y14, Y18,

Y19, Y20.

March/Edward IV. If York removed and March present, replace

March with Edward IV as King, Mustered at London at setup,

or in place during play. As long as Edward IV remains (only),

add cards Y23, Y24, Y28, Y31.

Rutland. If York and March removed at setup, Rutland as King

sets up at London (not Canterbury). Rutland, while King, adds

Y20, Y21, Y28, Y35.

Gloucester/Richard III. If Gloucester becomes King, replace

him in place with Richard III. Richard III adds cards Y32,

Y33, Y34, Y35.

In addition, as soon as two or fewer of the above four Heirs re-

main, add Pembroke, at setup Mustered at Pembroke, or during

play to the next Calendar box.

Lancastrian Succession: These Heirs can be present and adjust

other Lords and/or Arts of War (6.2.2).

Henry VI. If Henry VI survived the first War, he replaces Mar-

garet in box 9 of the Calendar, marked Exile. If Henry VI is lat-

er removed, add Margaret to the next Calendar box (no Exile).

For as long as Henry VI remains present (only), add Arts of War

cards L17, L18, L20, L21.

Margaret (Edward). When Margaret is present, add cards L27,

L28, L31. When Margaret Musters, she uses card L26 Edward

as per the first War’s Lancastrian Succession.

Somerset. If Somerset (1) survived the first War, replace Som-

erset (2) (no ring) with (1) in box 9, marked Exile. If Somer-

set (1) is removed, add Somerset (2) to the next Calendar box.

Whenever a Somerset is highest Heir, add cards L20, L21, L27.

Special Rules—

Succession: For any Heir removed during play (4.4.3, 4.8.2), con-

duct Succession as given above, including removing and adding

Arts of War (6.2.2).

Shaky Allies: Margaret and Warwick may never enter the same


Foreign Haven: If Warwick chooses Exile upon Approach (4.3.5)

or Dies as a defender (4.4.3), shift all Lancastrians on the Calen-

dar left to the current Turn and all Yorkists left to the next Turn.

Gloucester: After resolving Event Y28 Gloucester As Heir, set

the card aside for reference in setup of the next War. Its Capability

becomes unavailable.

Natural Causes: After victory in this War, roll two dice each for

Henry VI and York, if still present—a roll less than the last Turn

played removes that Heir. Then roll one die for Edward IV (only,

not March)—remove him on a roll of “6”.

Victory Threshold: 40+ Influence.

IIL. Lancastrian Legitimacy Fades,


Rejecting the first War’s verdict, Warwick rallies the House of

York to renew its bid for the crown.

War: This is the second War if the Lancastrians win the first War.

Setup as below, with Succession.

Seasons: Play the first Turn of 1469 (box 1) through the last Cam-

paign of 1471 (box 15).

Sides: Lancastrians King, Yorkists Rebel.


Arts of War: Lancastrians start with all no-rose cards except L4,

plus L18, L19, L20, L21, L25, L29, L34; Yorkists with all no-rose

plus Y15, Y16, Y17, Y22, Y28, Y29, Y31, Y34. Succession will

add and possibly later remove cards.

Lancastrian Lord Cards:

Unless removed in first War, Henry VI, Margaret, Somerset (1),

Somerset (2).

• Northumberland, Exeter (1), Oxford, Jasper Tudor (1).

Yorkist Lord Cards:

Unless removed in first War, York, March, Rutland.

• Gloucester (1), Warwick, Salisbury, Devon, Pembroke.

Lancastrian Succession: Lancastrian Heirs are Henry VI, Mar-

garet, Somerset (1), and Somerset (2), less any removed in the

first War. The highest ranked is King (6.2.1, Margaret as her son


Henry VI, so long as King, adds cards L15, L17. If Henry VI

removed, add Margaret to the Calendar, box 1 at setup or next

box in play (6.2.2).

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Margaret upon Muster uses card L26 EDWARD as per first

War, Lancastrian Succession. So long as Margaret (Edward) is

King, add L27, L31.

Somerset while King adds L16, L27. Any removal of Somerset

(1) (whether King or not) replaces Somerset (1) with Somerset

(2) in place (6.2.2).

Yorkist Succession: Yorkist Heirs are York, March, Rutland, and

Gloucester (1). The highest Heir present adjusts Arts of War cards

as follows.

York as highest-ranking Heir adds Y14, Y20.

March or Rutland as highest Heir adds Y20, Y21.

Gloucester as highest Heir adds Y25, Y30.

Mustered Lord Mats:

Lancastrians—The King, Somerset (1) or (2) (if not King), Jas-

per Tudor.

Yorkists—Warwick, Salisbury, Pembroke.


• France Exile box Lancastrian, Burgundy Yorkist.

Seat markers per Lord cards listed above.

• The 11 regular Vassal marker pairs other than Devon and Ox-

ford at their Vassal Seats.

• Lancastrian (red) Favour at London, Harlech, Wells, Oxford,

Exeter, Carlisle.

• Yorkist (white) Favour at Calais, York, Ely, Pembroke, Lud-


• The King at London, Somerset at Wells (unless King), Jasper

Tudor at Harlech (red cylinders).

Warwick at Calais, Salisbury at York, and Pembroke at Pem-

broke (white cylinders).


• Box 1 has the Levy marker and Devon (white cylinder).

• Box 2 has Exeter and Oxford (red cylinders).

• Box 7 has York, March, Rutland, Gloucester (silver ring)

(white cylinders), all with Exile markers.

• Box 8 has Northumberland (red cylinder).

Influence Track:

• Influence marker at 0 on Lancastrian (red) side.

• Fortress marker Yorkist (white) at 2, Town Lancastrian (red) at

0, City Lancastrian (red) at 2.

• Victory Check marker at 40.

Special Rules—

Succession: For Heirs removed in play, conduct Succession as

above, adjusting Arts of War (6.2.2).

Gloucester: After resolving Event Y28 Gloucester As Heir, set

the card aside for reference in setup of the next War. Its Capability

becomes unavailable.

Natural Causes: After victory in this War, roll two dice each for

Henry VI and York, if still present—a roll less than the last Turn

played removes that Heir.

Victory Threshold: 40+ Influence.

IIIY. New Rivals, 1484-1485

Under Yorkist rule, discontent Lancaster rises to a final bout for

the Crown of England.

War: This is the third War if the Yorkists win the second War. Set

up Scenario III “My Kingdom for a Horse” on page 25; however,

hold off choosing cards and setting up any Lords, Seats, or Fa-

vour. Modify setup as below, including Succession to find which

Yorkist is King and set Arts of War cards.

Seasons: Play seven complete Turns, June/July 1484 (box 3)

through August/September 1485 (box 9).

Sides: Yorkists King, Lancastrians Rebel.

Setup Modifications—

Arts of War: Yorkists start with all no-rose cards plus Y36; Lan-

castrians all no-rose plus L33, L34, L36, L37. Heirs and Succes-

sion permanently add cards.

NOTE: All Lords who set up in this War do so Mustered (with

mats), none start on the Calendar.

Yorkist Heirs and Lords:

• Yorkist Heirs are York, March or Edward IV, Rutland, and

Gloucester (1), Gloucester (2), or Richard III, less any removed

in previous Wars.

• If Event Y28 Gloucester As Heir occurred in the second War

(set aside per IIY or IIL special rule), and if both Rutland and

Gloucester remain, remove Rutland now.

• If Rutland now remains as the only Heir, remove Rutland

and add the Yorkist Warwick as King at London (6.2.2, with

cards, mat, cylinder, and Seat), Salisbury at York, and cards

Y16, Y17, Y22.

• If exactly one of York, March/Edward IV, or Gloucester/Rich-

ard III now remains, add Northumberland (2) at Carlisle and

card Y37.

• Add Norfolk at Arundel.

Yorkist Succession: The highest-ranked among the Heirs listed

above who still remain sets up as King at London (6.2.1-6.2.2,

adding cards, mat, cylinder, and Seat). The next highest sets up as

an Heir who can become King. Remove all other Yorkist Heirs.

York. York as King adds cards Y14, Y21.

March/Edward IV. If York is King and March remains, set up

March at Ludlow and add card Y20. If March is King, set up

Edward IV at London instead of March at Ludlow and add

Y23, Y24.

Rutland. If he remains as Heir to York or Edward IV, set Rut-

land up at Canterbury. If Rutland and Gloucester remain, set up

Rutland as King at London. Rutland as Heir to York adds Y20,

Heir to Edward IV Y31, or King Y20, Y21.

Gloucester/Richard III. If York or Edward IV is King and

Gloucester remains, set up Gloucester (1) (silver ring) at

Gloucester. If Rutland is King and Gloucester remains, set up

Gloucester (2) (gold ring) at London. Gloucester (1) or (2) adds

card Y34 plus, if with Edward IV, Y28. If Gloucester is King,

set up Richard III (gold ring) at London instead of Gloucester

and add cards Y32, Y33.

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Plantagenet Rules


Lancastrian Heir: There is exactly one, either—

Margaret (with Edward, Prince of Wales)—unless removed ear-

lier—in the France Exile box. Add L27, L31. She uses card L26

Edward per the first War’s Lancastrian Succession, page 27.

Henry Tudor—if no Margaret and if anyone but Edward IV

(York, Rutland, Richard III, or Warwick) is King—in the France

Exile box. Add cards L32, L35.

Warwick otherwise, at Calais. (In this case, not only King Ed-

ward IV but also Richard Neville have survived to fight a final

war.) Add cards L23, L30.

Lancastrian Lords: Add Oxford and Jasper Tudor (2) either in

the France Exile box if with Margaret or Henry Tudor or at Calais

if with Warwick.

Map: Set London to Yorkist Favour and each side’s other marked

Lord Seat (only) to that side’s Favour.

Influence Track:

• Each Heir (6.2.1, not Warwick) removed in an earlier War by

Death, Shipwreck, or Natural Causes special rule costs that side

–8 Influence points.

• Adjust City, Town, Fortress markers per Favour on the map.

Special Rules—

Succession: Heir removal affects only setup, not play.

Ravaged Land: Skip all Grow and Waste (4.8.4-.5).

Victory Threshold: 45+ Influence.

IIIL. Yorkists’ Last Stand, 1484-1485

Despite defeats, the House of York rallies for one final stab at the crown.

War: This is the third War if the Lancastrians win the second War.

Setup as below, modifying for Yorkist and Lancastrian Succession.

Seasons: Play six Turns, August/September 1484 through Au-

gust/September 1485 (boxes 4 through 9).

Sides: Lancastrians King, Yorkists Rebel.


Arts of War: Lancastrians start with all no-rose cards plus L25,

L34, L36, Yorkists with all no-rose cards plus Y36. Succession

will permanently add more cards.

Lancastrian Lord Cards:

Unless previously removed, Henry VI, Margaret, Somerset (1),

and Somerset (2).

• Oxford and Jasper Tudor (2).

Yorkist Lord Cards:

Unless previously removed, York, March, Rutland, Gloucester

(1), and Gloucester (2).

• Warwick, Norfolk, and Salisbury.

Lancastrian Succession: Lancastrian Heirs are Henry VI, Margaret,

Somerset (1) and (2)—less any removed earlier. The highest ranked

is King (6.2.1, Margaret as Edward)—if Somerset (2), replace him

with Somerset (1) (his ratings showing the power of the Crown). Re-

move the other Heirs. The King (only) adds cards as follows.

Henry VI adds L15, L17.

Margaret (Edward) uses card L26 Edward per the first War’s

Lancastrian Succession, page 27, and adds L27, L31.

Somerset adds L18, L20, L27.

Yorkist Succession:

• Yorkist Heirs are York, March, Rutland, and Gloucester, less

any removed, and perhaps Warwick.

• If Edward IV is present from the second War, replace him with

March or Richard III with Gloucester (2).

• If Event Y28 Gloucester As Heir occurred in the second War

(set aside per IIY or IIL special rule) and Gloucester (2) re-

mains, or if Gloucester is already highest Heir, remove all other

Yorkist Heirs and add card Y35.

• If York remains, add Y14, Y18 and remove all other Heirs ex-

cept the single next highest; if that is March or Rutland, add

Y20; if Gloucester, replace Gloucester (2) with Gloucester (1)

and add Y34.

• If neither York nor Gloucester remains as the highest Heir, re-

move all Heirs except Warwick.

• If no other Yorkist Heir remains, add the Yorkist Warwick as

Heir and add card Y16.

• If Yorkists now have exactly one Heir, add Salisbury and cards

Y17, Y22.

Mustered Lord Mats:

Lancastrians—The King, Oxford, and Jasper Tudor.

Yorkists—Heir(s), Salisbury if added, and Norfolk.


• France Exile box Lancastrian, Burgundy Yorkist.

Seat markers per Lord cards listed above.

• The 11 regular Vassal marker pairs other than Oxford and Nor-

folk at their Vassal Seats.

• Lancastrian (red) Favour at London and at each other Lancas-

trian Lord Seat marker (only).

• Yorkist (white) Favour at each Yorkist Lord Seat marker (only).

• The King at London, Oxford at Oxford, and Jasper Tudor at


• All Yorkist Lords per Succession plus Norfolk in Burgundy

or—if Warwick present—at Calais.


• Box 4 has the Levy marker.

• Box 10 has the End marker.

Influence Track:

• Start Influence marker at 0. Then each Heir (6.2.1, not War-

wick) removed in an earlier War by Death, Shipwreck, or Natu-

ral Causes costs that side –8 Influence points.

• Adjust City, Town, and Fortress markers to reflect Favour on

the map.

Succession: Heir removal affects only setup, not play.

Ravaged Land: Skip all Grow and Waste (4.8.4-.5).

Victory Threshold: 45+ Influence.

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Plantagenet Rules


Key Terms Index

60/90 Days—Calendar box, a Turn (1.3.2, 2.2.1).

Active—Acting on Campaign (4.0).

Adjacent—Linked by a Way (1.3.1).

Aftermath—Battle end routine (4.4.4).

Approach—March to enemy (4.3.5).

Area—Grouping of Locales (1.3.1).

Armour—Unit Protection (4.4.2).

Array—Lords in Battle (4.4.1).

Arts of War—card, deck (1.9.1, 3.1).

Asset—Provender, Coin, Cart, or Ship (1.7).

Attack—Initiate Battle (4.3.5, 4.4).

Badge—(Livery Badge) Lord’s symbol (1.5.1).

Battle—Fight due to March (4.4).

Battle mat—Array option (4.4.1).

Calendar—Board track for Turns, Ready Lords, and Vassal

Service (1.3.2, 2.2).

Campaign—Phase of each Turn (4.0).

Capability—Card aspect (1.9.1, 3.1.2, 3.4.6).

Cart—Transport type (1.7).

Check—Influence test (1.4.2); Death test (4.4.3); Victory test


City—Stronghold type (1.3.1).

Coat of Arms—Vassal’s symbol (1.5.4).

Coin—Asset type (1.7).

Command—Lord rating for Campaign actions (1.5.2, 4.2); card

(1.9.2); Activation or action (4.2-4.6).

Cylinder—A Lord’s piece (1.5.1).

Death—Permanent Lord removal by Battle (4.4.3)

Defend—Face an Attack (4.4).

Depleted—Locale marker (1.3.1).

Disband—Remove Lord from map (3.2).

Disembark—End Campaign segment (4.8.2)

Dominance—Favour across an entire Area (1.3.1, 4.8.1)

Enemy—Of the other side (1.1, 1.3.1).

Engagement—Lords fighting each other (4.4.1, 4.4.2).

English Ships—Limit on Ship Levy (1.7.3, 3.4.5).

Event—Arts of War card aspect (1.9.1).

Exhausted—Locale marker (1.3.1).

Exile—Lord status on Calendar (3.3.1, 4.3.5), box Locale (1.3.1).

Favour—Markers to set Locale allegiance (1.3.1).

Feed—Eat after Marched/Fought (4.7).

Flank—Fight non-opposite (4.4.2).

Flee—Voluntary Rout from Battle (4.4.2).

Forage—Command action (4.6.2).

Forces—Retinue, Vassal, and Troops units (1.6).

Fortress—Stronghold type (1.3.1).

Friendly—Of the same side (1.3.1).

Front—Forward Array row (4.4.1).

Greed—Discard restriction (1.7.2, 3.1.4, 3.2.1, 4.7).

Grow—Remove Depleted/Exhausted (4.8.4).

Handgunners—Troop type (1.6).

Heirs—Lords in line to be King (1.5.1, 6.2.1).

Hidden Mats—Rules option (1.5.3).

Highway—Way type (1.3.1).

Hit—Combat effect endangering a unit (4.4.2).

Hold/Held—Event type (1.9.1, 3.1.3, 4.4.1).

Influence—Points for victory (1.4.1), task success check (1.4.2),

Lord rating for checks (1.5.2).

Intercept—Move to adjacent Marching Enemy (4.3.4).

King—A side (1.1).

Land—Successful Disembark (4.8.2).

Levy—Phase of each Turn (3.0); call into play (3.4.2-.6).

Lieutenant—Lord type for group move (1.5.1, 4.3.1, 4.3.5, 4.6.1).

Livery Badge—Lord’s symbol (1.5.1).

Locale—Map space (1.3.1).

Longbowmen—Troop type (1.6).

Lord—Military Leader; card (1.5.1).

Lordship—Lord rating for Levy (1.5.2, 3.4).

Loss—Unit removal in combat (4.4.3).

Loyalty—Vassal rating for Muster (1.5.4, 3.4.3).

Map—Section of game board (1.3.1).

March—Command type (4.3).

Marshal—Group move Lord (1.5.1, 4.3.1, 4.3.5, 4.6.1).

Mat—Display for Lord or Battle Array (1.5.1, 4.4.1).

Melee—Strike type (4.4.2).

Men-at-Arms—Troop type (1.6).

Mercenary—Troop type (1.6).

Militia—Troop type (1.6).

Missile—Strike type (4.4.2).

Moved-Fought—marker (4.3, 4.4, 4.6.1, 4.7).

Muster—Levy Segment, enter play (3.4.2-.6).

Neutral—Stronghold Favouring neither side (1.3.1).

North—A map Area (1.3.1).

On Map—At a Locale (1.3.1).

Parley—Levy and Command action (3.4.1, 4.6.4).

Pass—Command card or action (1.9.2, 4.2.3, 4.6.5).

Path—Way type (1.3.1).

Pay—Expend Coin (3.2).

Pillage—Wreck a Locale (3.2.1, 4.7).

Plan—Stack of Command cards (4.1).

Port—Locale aspect (1.3.1, 4.5, 4.6.1).

Protection—Saving roll (4.4.2).

Provender—Asset type (1.7).

Rating—Lord or Vassal aspect (1.5).

Ready—Able to Muster (3.3.2, 3.4.2).

Recovery—Battle end to actions (4.4.4).

Rebel—A side (1.1).

Plantagenet Rules


Reposition—Move in Array (4.4.2).

Reserve—Array back row (4.4.1).

Respite—Transition between Wars (6.1).

Retinue—Forces type (1.5.1, 1.6).

Road—Way type (1.3.1).

Rout—Battle harm to unit/Lord (4.4.2).

Route—Chain of Friendly Locales, Ways, and/or Ports (3.4.1,

4.5.1, 4.6.3, 4.6.4).

Sail—Command action (4.6.1).

Sea—Map aspect affecting use of Ports (1.3.1).

Seat—Stronghold aspect, marker (1.3.1).

Service—Vassal rating delaying Pay (1.5.4, 3.2).

Share—Use Asset for another Lord (1.5.3).

Ship—Transport type (1.7).

Shipwreck—Lord removal by Disembark (4.8.2).

Source—Supply origin (4.5).

South—A map Area (1.3.1).

Special Stronghold—London, Calais, Harlech (1.3.1).

Special Vassal—Vassal type (1.5.4).

Strike—Inflict Hits (4.4.2).

Stronghold—Locale type (1.3.1).

Succession—Adjustments when Heirs Die (6.2.2).

Supply—Command action (4.5).

Tax—Command action (4.6.3).

Threshold—Victory level (4.8.3, 5.2).

Tides of War—Influence scoring segment (4.8.1)

Town—Stronghold type (1.3.1).

Troops—Wood Forces units (1.6).

Transport—Cart or Ship Asset type (1.7).

Turn—60 or 90 Days (1.3.2, 2.2.1).

Unit—Retinue or Vassal counter, Troops piece (1.6).

Unarmoured—Unit Protection roll (4.4.2).

Valour—Lord rating and markers for Battle rerolls (1.5.2, 1.8,


Vassal—Levied supporters (1.5.4, 3.4.3); Seat type (1.3.1);

Forces type (1.6).

Wales—A map Area (1.3.1).

War—Sub-scenario of the full-length scenario (6.3).

Wars of the Roses—Full-length scenario (6.3).

Waste—Asset/Troop adjustment (4.8.5).

Way—Link between Locales (1.3.1).

Action Requirements Summary

At Friendly








Lord (3.4.2)

Target Lord’s or Friendly Seat, free of Enemy

Vassal (3.4.3)

Vassal’s Seat Friendly, free of Enemy

Troops (3.4.4)

At Stronghold (not in Exile box)

Transport (3.4.5)

At Port or in Exile box: may add Ship instead of Cart

Capability (3.4.6)

Until 2 cards / Lord (no discard)


(3.4.1, 4.6.4)

Target Stronghold: Neutral or Enemy Favour

Adjacent (or by Sea): no Enemy Lord. At target: no check

March (4.3)

From Stronghold or Scotland. Path: entire card

Supply (4.5)

Route to Stronghold or Port: 1 Cart / Prov / Way

Sail (4.6.1)

Ships from Port, Exile, Sea. Entire card. No Enemy Lord

Forage (4.6.2)

Enemy or Neutral Locale or Enemy adjacent: roll

Tax (4.6.3)

Seat or Special Stronghold. Lord’s Seat: no check

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P.O. Box 1308, Hanford, CA 93232

